Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm alive! Alive, I tell you!

Oh, peopleI'm so elusive these days, I know. Apart from a delightful trip to Florence to try on clothes in Zara, rather than looking at paintings of naked cherubim, and eating yummy fruit the size of my head, I haven't been up to much. But alas, my interpipe connection is extremely poorly, nay in a critical condition, and swapping to a new ISP is going to take about a month.In the meantime a huge

Saturday, September 9, 2006

It'll change your life, I swear

Hello, gentle readersMy interpipe connection is wigging out in a quite spectacular fashion, while my broadband is upgraded. It's a cause of much vexation. So I'm going to post this in one of the rare seconds when I am actually online.It's actually probably quite good that I can't while away many hours on the internet as I'm going to Florence for a little holiday the week after next and have made

Saturday, September 2, 2006

No sir, I don't feel like dancing

Greetings girlieaAh, the sun is but a dim and distant memory; it's grey and cold and all the delicious new autumn fashions are in the shops. Hurrah!Because I spend most of my time in front of dark!Wes, my computer, I tend to live in jeans and a collection of faded logo retro tees but I'm coveting and even buying some fabulous frocks at the moment. And slouchy boy trousers. And I'm still loving