Monday, October 31, 2005

Things that go ker-thump in the night

Happy Halloween, gentle readers.Instead of doing anything constructive I thought I'd post a list of things that scare the living crap out of me. (Yes, I do contain language that some people might find offensive!)1. Anything with mustard, sunflower seeds or poppy seeds in them. Violently allergic, you see.2. Poltergeists. Writing in blood on people's walls and moving the furniture round is not

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The wanderer returns...

Greetings, girlsI am a bad blogger, or an infrequent one. Either way I haven't been updating this as regularly as I should. But I solemnly promise to do better. Especially as I'm finishing up a work thing early this week and will then be at home on a "writing vacation." I'm taking the rest of the year off from full-time work to make a start on my grown-up book, get an agent (I don't have one of

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Strictly filler...

Hello pop tartsY'know, I realised I hadn't posted here for a while and now I'm staring at a blank screen and can't think of anything interesting to tell you.Hmmm, well, Diary Of A Crush is being prepared for its US debut. The three books will be coming out in, I think, July 2006, just after Pretty Things is being released in paperback. You've probably read me answering questions about the Crush