Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Your mission over the bank holiday weekend...
... should you choose to accept it, is to vote me for in The Queen Of Teen Awards. Closing date is 31st August, so step to it, dear readers.I'm heading off to Edinburgh to do an event with Cathy Forde on Monday on how we use music as part of our writing process. I'll be posting our setlist (man, like, we're in a band or something) on Spotify once the event is done. EDITED TO ADD: Here is the
book news,
you don't have to say you love me
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Happy birthday to my little sister, Edith Dorothy. She's 6 now :) not to be left out, happy birthday Indonesia! Smoga rate korupsi dikurangin yaaa ;) lol hahaha.
Well, we went out to Sushi Tei for lunch with my cousin and met William Zhang, Lora, and Yvonne. I ate a lot, like seriously. Must have gained a lot of weight this month :( sigh. Then, continues to grandma's friends' house to celebrate my sister's birthday.
Today have been awesome thoroughly. But still, I got one thing to worry on, MY PHYSICS TEST! Wish me luck ;)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Last Thursday and Friday was Army of God :) well, I'm really blessed, personally. I was in choir service for the two days. Guess what, make up gue parah bet, tebel banget! Tapi yaaa, untuk Tuhan, apa sih yang kagak? Weheeeee ♥
It was raining, yet we, the army of God, were still jumping, shouting, and praising Him. I'm glad that the enthusiasm and spirit were still on! :D and I believe it rained for a specific awesome reason. The situation differentiate us from any other crucade which is GUH-REAT! On the first day, the opening was cancelled due to the rain that pours down suddenly. It was postponed to day 2. Overall, the opening result does pay off. It worth the one-week-hectic-pain hahaha!
There were Ps. Philip Mantofa, Ps. Jaeson Ma (USA), Ps. Yosep Moro Wijaya, Vanness Wu (Taiwan), Ari Wibowo, and Zack Lee. I'm really blessed with Ari Wibowo, Vanness Wu, and Zack Lee's testimonial. Testimonial Ari Wibowo ngomong tentang gimana dia berubah dari dulu yang ngga bener sampe dia kenal Tuhan. Juga sebab kenapa dia ngga main sinetron laga lagi. KALO DI ALKITAB, "DITAMPAR PIPI KIRI, BERILAH PIPI KANAN", KALO DI SINETRON LAGA, "DITAMPAR PIPI KIRI, TENDANG PIPI KANAN". And yea, kalo dipikir-pikir, bener juga sih hehehe. Kalo yang Vanness Wu ngomong tentang kejadian 2008 dimana dia kenal Tuhan, dari yang dulu nya bersama dunia artis yang sangat terbiasa dengan kata SEX. Ya gue pengen terang-terangan ngomong "GOD IS MORE THAN SEX." That's what's written on Vanness Wu's team tee. Vanness Wu waktu ketemu Jaeson Ma tahun 2008, dia ditantang untuk berkomitmen tidak ngelakuin itu selama 1 tahun, dan tiap hari doa nya "God, do you really not want me to have sex? God, do you really not want me to have sex? God, do you really not want me to have sex?" He kept on repeating it. Itu ngga gampang loh, apalagi kiri-kanan dia alias kondisi itu sangat sulit dimana artis-artis yang lain pada ngelakuin free sex. Yaaah ngga usah jauh-jauh, contoh nya aja Ariel Peterpan --' nah kalo Zack Lee beda lagi. Dia ngomongin tentang dia berubah dari yang broken-home ancor lebor, sampai bisa seperti sekarang. Dulu, bokap nyokap dia cerai. Dia ikut bokap. Nah, bokap nya kan kerja tuh, jadi ngga punya banyak waktu untuk ngawasin anak-anak nya. That's why, Zack Lee familiar dengan yang nama nya narkoba, ganja, minuman keras, judi, pokok nya komplit deh. Dan ternyata, nyokap nya juga pemakai kelas berat. Di saat dia dititipin ke nyokap nya lagi waktu remaja *gue lupa umur nya*, makin parah dong. Tiap hari berdua makai obat-obat gituan. Pokok nya dari A sampai Z, tau semua. Tapi gara-gara dia ketemu Nafa Urbach, dia berubah agama nya. Dari dulu yang ga jelas agama nya, akhir nya punya agama. Eitsss, tapi dia kristen bukan karena dia mau, tapi gara-gara nya kan susah tuh kalo minta restu ngga seiman HAHAHA, tp kan emang everything happens for a reason, nyoba-nyoba malah jadi kristen beneran. He never regrets kalo fakta nya dia pernah seperti itu, karena dia ada bahan kesaksian untuk diberitakan ke orang-orang which is good :)
So see, semua testimonial mempunyai pesan masing-masing. Tapi ga tau kenapa yang paling KENA itu testimonial Zack Lee (y) well, that's it. Besok sekolah coyyy! Nope, tapi upacara. Goodnight! xx
Sealed with a smile,
It was raining, yet we, the army of God, were still jumping, shouting, and praising Him. I'm glad that the enthusiasm and spirit were still on! :D and I believe it rained for a specific awesome reason. The situation differentiate us from any other crucade which is GUH-REAT! On the first day, the opening was cancelled due to the rain that pours down suddenly. It was postponed to day 2. Overall, the opening result does pay off. It worth the one-week-hectic-pain hahaha!
There were Ps. Philip Mantofa, Ps. Jaeson Ma (USA), Ps. Yosep Moro Wijaya, Vanness Wu (Taiwan), Ari Wibowo, and Zack Lee. I'm really blessed with Ari Wibowo, Vanness Wu, and Zack Lee's testimonial. Testimonial Ari Wibowo ngomong tentang gimana dia berubah dari dulu yang ngga bener sampe dia kenal Tuhan. Juga sebab kenapa dia ngga main sinetron laga lagi. KALO DI ALKITAB, "DITAMPAR PIPI KIRI, BERILAH PIPI KANAN", KALO DI SINETRON LAGA, "DITAMPAR PIPI KIRI, TENDANG PIPI KANAN". And yea, kalo dipikir-pikir, bener juga sih hehehe. Kalo yang Vanness Wu ngomong tentang kejadian 2008 dimana dia kenal Tuhan, dari yang dulu nya bersama dunia artis yang sangat terbiasa dengan kata SEX. Ya gue pengen terang-terangan ngomong "GOD IS MORE THAN SEX." That's what's written on Vanness Wu's team tee. Vanness Wu waktu ketemu Jaeson Ma tahun 2008, dia ditantang untuk berkomitmen tidak ngelakuin itu selama 1 tahun, dan tiap hari doa nya "God, do you really not want me to have sex? God, do you really not want me to have sex? God, do you really not want me to have sex?" He kept on repeating it. Itu ngga gampang loh, apalagi kiri-kanan dia alias kondisi itu sangat sulit dimana artis-artis yang lain pada ngelakuin free sex. Yaaah ngga usah jauh-jauh, contoh nya aja Ariel Peterpan --' nah kalo Zack Lee beda lagi. Dia ngomongin tentang dia berubah dari yang broken-home ancor lebor, sampai bisa seperti sekarang. Dulu, bokap nyokap dia cerai. Dia ikut bokap. Nah, bokap nya kan kerja tuh, jadi ngga punya banyak waktu untuk ngawasin anak-anak nya. That's why, Zack Lee familiar dengan yang nama nya narkoba, ganja, minuman keras, judi, pokok nya komplit deh. Dan ternyata, nyokap nya juga pemakai kelas berat. Di saat dia dititipin ke nyokap nya lagi waktu remaja *gue lupa umur nya*, makin parah dong. Tiap hari berdua makai obat-obat gituan. Pokok nya dari A sampai Z, tau semua. Tapi gara-gara dia ketemu Nafa Urbach, dia berubah agama nya. Dari dulu yang ga jelas agama nya, akhir nya punya agama. Eitsss, tapi dia kristen bukan karena dia mau, tapi gara-gara nya kan susah tuh kalo minta restu ngga seiman HAHAHA, tp kan emang everything happens for a reason, nyoba-nyoba malah jadi kristen beneran. He never regrets kalo fakta nya dia pernah seperti itu, karena dia ada bahan kesaksian untuk diberitakan ke orang-orang which is good :)
So see, semua testimonial mempunyai pesan masing-masing. Tapi ga tau kenapa yang paling KENA itu testimonial Zack Lee (y) well, that's it. Besok sekolah coyyy! Nope, tapi upacara. Goodnight! xx
Sealed with a smile,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Yayyy I've finally met Ricky and Alvin! Today was awesome except for the fact that I didn't attend church today :( so here it goes...
Today was quite tiring, seriously. Dari pagi sampe malem bareng 5 others. Ricky, Alvin, Andy, Stefen, and Defris. Well, the participants too :) was having Graduates Gathering at Piaget. We, the coaches, were supposed to be there at 11, but I couldn't be there before 12.30 because of the rehearsal at Kalingga.
Before Ricky and Alvin's flight to Jakarta, we went to Selat Panjang for dinner :D and... whoopsie oopsie Alvin! Sorryyy :( didn't told him earlier that the bihun goreng, bak pau, bihun bebek, bubur ayam are yummy. HAHAHA and now he's blamming me for just letting him know that the hokkien noodle is delicious and that he only taste the hokkien noodle :p
So, safe flight guys! ;) they're boarding now and thank God it's not raining anymore since Ricky was really scared of what happened during his flight from Singapore to Jakarta :D mwahahahabooha!
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Today was quite tiring, seriously. Dari pagi sampe malem bareng 5 others. Ricky, Alvin, Andy, Stefen, and Defris. Well, the participants too :) was having Graduates Gathering at Piaget. We, the coaches, were supposed to be there at 11, but I couldn't be there before 12.30 because of the rehearsal at Kalingga.
Before Ricky and Alvin's flight to Jakarta, we went to Selat Panjang for dinner :D and... whoopsie oopsie Alvin! Sorryyy :( didn't told him earlier that the bihun goreng, bak pau, bihun bebek, bubur ayam are yummy. HAHAHA and now he's blamming me for just letting him know that the hokkien noodle is delicious and that he only taste the hokkien noodle :p
So, safe flight guys! ;) they're boarding now and thank God it's not raining anymore since Ricky was really scared of what happened during his flight from Singapore to Jakarta :D mwahahahabooha!
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Screw the peril-ness of literature
As I moved on into the world of writing, I realised writers have the least freedom, when writing itself is the only way to convey freedom. And those writing in such manner that they would predict the day they would die with a bullet in their heads? How useful you are as a writer to the community, how educated we seemed to people, and how educated people seemed to criticised us to the core is the fundamental base to publishing your thoughts to the world. Never obey a crooked instinct, and I’ve learned it the hard way.
Bulldrop this thought. I lived in an eggy fairytale world. My freedom is beyond the capability of the maximum angle literature can bend.
Words were once thought to be a conveyer, but with added flowers and spices and a little bit of cheese, it shows that cows in the fields are the Swiss army knives of the farm.
Those taking it to a higher level? Printed names?
We can’t tell you exactly what the future holds-only prophets or madmen truly know the future, and we authors are overqualified for one of those positions and under qualified for the other. So, we place our reputation in a certain amount of peril, making moderately educated guesses about the biology, physics, chemistry, art and medicine of tomorrow. We did this for two reasons: someone had to, and we needed the money.
But do take note that we can express our discomfort and unhappiness about ancient predictions and whatever has become of today.
Long time ago, we used to have bulls pulling our carts, then we rides horses, and to think that after all the technological advances we’ve achieved, we designed polluting mobile machines that would certainly give mechanical problems to your physics teacher, making him attending class late because of his frequent visits to the workshop when we could have our carts pulled by giant genetically engineered lobsters instead...
“See what I mean?”
Bulldrop this thought. I lived in an eggy fairytale world. My freedom is beyond the capability of the maximum angle literature can bend.
Words were once thought to be a conveyer, but with added flowers and spices and a little bit of cheese, it shows that cows in the fields are the Swiss army knives of the farm.
Those taking it to a higher level? Printed names?
We can’t tell you exactly what the future holds-only prophets or madmen truly know the future, and we authors are overqualified for one of those positions and under qualified for the other. So, we place our reputation in a certain amount of peril, making moderately educated guesses about the biology, physics, chemistry, art and medicine of tomorrow. We did this for two reasons: someone had to, and we needed the money.
But do take note that we can express our discomfort and unhappiness about ancient predictions and whatever has become of today.
Long time ago, we used to have bulls pulling our carts, then we rides horses, and to think that after all the technological advances we’ve achieved, we designed polluting mobile machines that would certainly give mechanical problems to your physics teacher, making him attending class late because of his frequent visits to the workshop when we could have our carts pulled by giant genetically engineered lobsters instead...
“See what I mean?”
Monday, August 2, 2010
Was browsing... and found this ;) it's really prettayeee! :D weheeeee!

Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)

Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)

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