Monday, September 27, 2010

Racial Patterns In Deliquency

According to the UCR in 2003 African American youths are arrested for disproportionate number of murders, rapes, robberies, and assaults. African American youths are more likely to be formally arrested by the police, whereas the police will treat white youths informally. African American youths who have a police record are more likely to be severely punished if they are picked up and sent back to juvenile courts. Police are not the only authorities who may contribute to racial differences in the delinquency rate. Juvenile court judges may see the offenses committed by African American youths as more serious than those committed by white offenders.

If one considers the disproportionate number of who are arrested is not due to their involvement but, the result of race-based decision making in the juvenile justice system. Institutional racism by the police and courts is an element of daily life the African American community especially juveniles.

The racial differences are in the rate of the offense, rather than bias and discrimination by agents of the justice system, which may help to explain the persistent racial disparities found in the justice system. For example, racial differences in the crime rate are tied to social and economic inequality. African Americans have suffered through a long history of discrimination that have lasting affects. In addition, low employment rates among minorities place a strain on families. Divorce and separation rates are significantly associated with crime and violence rates in the African American community.

During economic growth, lower-class African Americans are left out of the economic mainstream that may generate a sense of failure and frustration. Being shut out of the educational and economic opportunities one may be exposed to the lure of dishonest gain and criminality. In addition, African Americans receive longer sentences than whites who commit the same type of crimes especially when their unemployed or impoverished. Is it possible that judges may view unemployed or poor African Americans as more dangerous and likely to recidivate then white offenders?

One may consider the differences in the delinquency rates are bias in the
justice system whereas, Police are more likely to arrest and courts are more likely to convict African American youths. I believe the differences in the rates are due to the participation of African American youths in serious criminal behavior is a result of their socioeconomic position and the racism they face.

Adolescent Brain Development


Adolescents is a transitional period of life as child becomes an adult. During this time one endures changes of emotions, hormones, judgment, identity and the physical body which all have significant impact. How relevant is the development of the brain?
The brain changes significantly in adolescents. According to scientists research their brains are less developed then previously thought. For example, the frontal lobe undergoes the most change and is the last part of the brain to develop. The frontal lobe is the most significant development in the brain because it allows one to prioritize thoughts, imagine, abstract thinking, anticipate consequences, plan, and control impulses.
Could this help answer why teens act the way they do? The frontal lobe is responsible for organization, planning, and strategizing which is not fully developed in the brain. Would it be unfair to expect adolescents to have adult levels of organization skills, or decision making before their brain is fully developed? The underdeveloped frontal lobe causes adolescents to react with gut instinct rather than with reasoning. This continues well into adulthood until one responds in a more mature manner. Furthermore, the frontal lobe is responsible for the region of the brain that controls aggression and other impulses. If one has not fully matured prior to adulthood, then it may be unreasonable to expect a mature thought process displayed in adults.
Restrictions on adolescents limit their privileges such as, the legal age to drive, drink, vote, marry, and enter into contracts. Adolescents is a significant transitional period which they are subjected to limitations in judgment and maturity. There is a direct correlation with juvenile delinquency because one has difficulty making mature decisions and an understanding of the consequences of their actions due to an under developed frontal lobe. In contrast, this should not excuse adolescents from punishments from violent crime but it lessens their responsibility.
Links of Interest:

1. Secrets of The Teen Brain

2. Adolescent Brain

3. Alcohol And Adolescent Brain Development