Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Something's off

Watching TV last night, I came across one of the typical proposition ads you see leading up to an election. This ad was telling us to vote against Proposition 68 or some number, which would I believe would either allow card clubs and parlors to expand, or increase taxes on Indian casinos.

(Which brings up a whole other issue. I mean, we kick Indians off their land and 200 years later "allow" them to open casinos to make some money for themselves. We even said, "You guys have suffered enough. Don't worry about taxes. Keep most of it for yourselves." Maybe assuming they wouldn't even get the gaming palaces off the ground. Then, when we find out that Indian casinos are cash cows - shocker! - we demand taxes and fees and stuff from them. It's almost as if 18th century pioneers gave the Indians syphilitic blankets, then, when the Indians figured out some way to cure polio and scurvy with the infected blankets, the pioneers demanded the blankets back.)

Anyway, what really stuck out was after this guy told us to vote against or for whatever this was (Could that statement possibly be more American, by the way? So vague on electoral details!), he ran down a list of the proposition's endorsers.

- The Fraternal Order of Police

- American Firefighters Union

- Group For Prop 68

- Governor Schwarzeneggar

Just seeing it there in print really drives it home. Governor. Schwarzeneggar.

By the way, you know who is definitely FOR casino expansion? The Gambler.

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