Tuesday, October 19, 2004


You really just have to admire the balls on the GOP sometimes. Sure, maybe they're getting desperate, but it's more likely that they're just completely shameless.

After a weak of Bush pounding Kerry for using "shameless scare tactics" in mentioning a possible draft and privatization of Social Security (something that Bush actually said he's for), Cheney comes out today and says it's fine to vote for Kerry...as long as you don't mind being incinerated by a nuclear bomb as you walk downtown.

Sure, Al Qaeda has no way of launching a tactical nuclear strike from a donkey, and most experts say the the biggest problem from a suitcase nuke attack is people panicking and not actual nuclear fallout, but just keep Cheney's wise words in mind when you head to polls on November 2.

If you make it there alive, that is!

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