Saturday, April 24, 2010


You guys want to know more about me? Okay, I'll give you facts about me :D don't complain ahaha. How many facts do you guys want? 25 is enough, that should do. It's all about me, actually it's not all, SOME.

1. I make Jesus my first priority in life. Doing everything for Him. Even though sometimes I kinda screw this promise.
2. Doing something new, learning new languages and music instruments is what I really want. I want to play every single music instruments (although people tend to say "choose one").
3. I put family as second after God, and then it comes the word "friends".
4. I have passion for singing, dancing (modern dance), and nature.
5. I care about my surroundings, I can be sensitive sometimes.
6. Accept it or not, I'm a perfectionist, except for the fact that my perfectionist level is not that bad :p
7. Babies are way too cute.
8. Watching movies, surfing the internet. I don't think I can live without it.
9. I don't really mean what I say.
10. Not showing off, I'm not a person who gives up easily.
11. I don't really follow others, but I set them as example, of course it's the good one.
12. I find it difficult to control myself, my temper.
13. Smile though my heart is aching, smile when my heart is breaking.
14. I can't get rid of something I enjoy to do (who doesn't?).
15. I believe that there's heaven and hell, that's why sometimes I can be very serious about my life.
16. Old songs fill up my day, especially the lyrics, the words.
17. I don't judge people at first sight.
18. Playing game with my brother and sister is a way of killing my boredom, although we often fight HAHA.
19. I don't find speaking bad words cool. It only shows how miserable you are. No offense.
20. "Tips" is my favourite section in a magazine.
21. Speed-writing? Forget it. I can't write fastly.
22. I want to be luckier, in everything. Succeed in everything I do.
23. I'm not like others, I'm rare. Yes, my personalities are sometimes "odd".
24. Basketball, I LOVE IT! ‎​♥
25. I'm not a person who follows trends.

Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)

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