If I had $1,000,000
Good afternoon everyone! Thank you for giving me the chance to stand here and share my story to all of you. But before that, I am going to introduce myself. I am Talitha Yohana and I am in the 8th grade in Methodist-2. I’m going to tell you guys what I would do with $1,000,000 money that I had.
What would most people do if they had $1,000,000? Probably they would go partying with their friends, so would I, but let’s put others priority first. I believe that everyone wants to be rich, but richness is not a guarantee to happiness. However, if you use it the right way, it will really bring you happiness. The happiness I mean is not only self happiness, but it might bring happiness to others too. And that will make us happier. If I had $1,000,000, as I am a Christian, I would thank God for letting me receive His blessing by paying my tithes. That is the first thing I’d like to do.
And then, I would do something for my city, I want to improve my own city. I want to clear all the beggars on the street, especially the young ones. If I had $1,000,000, I would not only help the poor by giving them money. I want them to be educated, but only for those who want. There’s no point of giving free education if they didn’t want to study at all. For me, giving them education is more important rather than just giving them money. For example, if we help them by only giving them money without education, once the money is all used, they will not know what to do and they will be in the same condition as before. I would also like to give them nutritious food to eat. The happiness they got will surely bring me happiness too. Looking at their smiles would draw a bigger smile on my face. I would also like to teach them about courtesy. I don’t mean to blacken anyone here, but in my opinion, people nowadays should be taught to be polite, have mutual understanding, and discipline.
Also, I would like to help them to know what they want to be by now. I think they must set goals for their life, so that they know which direction they will go. By that, they will not be lost in their own life. For me, success is moving towards goals everyday in every way, and I want them to realize it. I don’t want to see them living without goals because they are poor and they think that they don’t have the power and ability to do anything to reach that goal. I know that deep inside each and everyone of them, they want to be better one day, to be something, but maybe some of them have been weakened by the situation they are in. Maybe making them realize to be able to reach their goals will be one of my greatest achievements. No matter what they are now, they must succeed in their future life. Because one day they will be the one who continues living in this world. The only hope of tomorrow is no one else, but them. For this world to be better, start from the smallest part, the children.
Thirdly, I would like to spend it on my family; especially my parents who had spend a lot amount of money on me. Not only money, but also time. I would give them money for them to spend on anything they want to buy. I would also like to take my family, consist of my parents, my siblings, and I to have a vacation to Europe and meet our family there. And from there, we would travel to other city in Europe by a large and luxurious cruise. Relaxing and having fun should be the thing we do. It should be a month full of laughter and family moments.
Not to be left out, I would like to take my siblings to Disneyland Resort in Europe. Let them be happy for the whole day. Since my brother loves reading books so much, I would bring him to the best bookstore and let him choose the books he wanted to buy. My younger sister loves to play piano a lot, and maybe it would be great if I brought her to a piano concert, she would be very amazed by then. I would also like to save for their education fees until they graduated.
Well, the things I’ve listed above are more about others rather than me. Now, I would like to tell the list of things I wanted to spend on. I would like to spend the rest of it on my interest, like taking pictures. I would buy different types of camera, such as lomo, Polaroid, and many more. I would also use it for my tuitions fees, especially singing because I would like to learn vocal from a professional so it must be very expensive. Learning languages is also considered. I love learning languages from all around the world. I found it very interesting to learn languages.
I’m sure that I still got money left after doing the things up there. What should I do with it? Well, I would probably just save it for my future life or even donate it to charity.
In conclusion, if I’m asked whether I would like to receive $1,000,000. The answer is I would not reject it. But like I said before, I must know how to use it appropriately. I think if I ever receive that big amount of money, I want it to be a blessing to others too. I would like to share my happiness not only with my family and my friends, but also with the one who needs it. Friends don’t really need our help, so they would not be as thankful as the poor ones. The happiness we got should be different if we share it.
Those are the things that I would do if I had $1,000,000. I’m really grateful that I can share my thought and my opinion with all of you. I hope you enjoy my story. Thank you for your time and attention. Have a great Sunday everyone!
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
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