Sunday, July 18, 2010

A midnight insanity after reading an ancient Enigma

I hate what the biblical film epics did to the Egyptians, the brutal image portrayed, using the enormous task story of gangs of slaves when there is no absolute evidence suggesting the myth of such massive enterprise, which seems like a colossal waste of time and energy. Have Vatican I no clue of astronomy? Ancient racism is blasphemy. Of such stories written by Europeans when they're still primitive compared to the highly religious and advanced Egyptians, and we've taken to account such edited work, thousands of years later? How mentally brutal can old civilizations get to up-glow themselves, categorized such people of extreme reserved, who kept the inner mysteries from all but their chosen initiates, of motives of sciences incorporated in religion.
We can only sit, and ponder yet again upon words of drunken 2000 year old man, absorb good will into our hearts, waiting for Judgement day....which I hope no ancient envious writers who have done such damage would follow upon and leading us where we should be going....
Or the libraries in heaven are nothing more comparable than the KL National Library, useless as its appearance and smell.
If we were to be lied to in heaven, then prepare yourself to invade the reset button, where our souls could teleport to another planet capable of supporting life, and start over...and time travel, visiting 'us' in ancient times, further support their technological advances, like the AVP movie (except for the sacrificial ceremonies), and establish a communion of inter-galactic Christianity, a Vatican IV perhaps, and an anti-Christ of the dark side like Star Wars...where then we encourage war, but reduced by an intergalactic version of a reformed "Flower-Power", and play Elvis, The Blues Brothers and John Lee Hooker throughout space, stopping at a galactic cheeseburger stand on a moon in a distance galaxy, light travel to your nearest church, where you'll hear a archeological proven old testament, and eat glowing holy breads and radioactive sacramental wine...
What, we already have a Robin Hood in space...and walkie talkies!
And how dusty history books you dig up behind your shelves in the middle of the night could bring such insanity, blogging like a comic character owned by Graham Annable…

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