Monday, April 5, 2010


I'm feeling this feeling again. I feel that my friends are all dumping me to trash bin. I can't express it in any other way except to write a post here. And I'm thankful to know that not much know this blog, and for those who knew, don't spill out my dirty little secrets. :p HAHA it's neither dirty nor secrets anyway.

Perhaps I shouldn't care about people who don't care about me. But I don't want to be as selfish as that, it's just that it's not fair for me either :'( AIHHH I don't know how to express it. I'm like the last people to know what happen, even though it involves me. I'll be the one to no be asked, or things like that. Maybe I fail as a friend. They should tell me if they dislike me. Please do something about it. I'm not going to die without you guys anyway, so maybe you guys can tell me what you feel then I know what to do. Since you kept quiet, I'm jumping around to know what's going on.

Reason why I could stumbled on the internet for hours without winking once? Because friends there are surprisingly better than the real ones. Confusing? Yea, it's what I'm feeling. But I felt better this way.

I'm fine? No, I'm not. NOT AT ALL.

This is not related to what I'm feeling, but I just wanna share it :) I found it on tumblr, and in my opinion, it's true. Every one deserves second chances.

"God answers prayers in a way He knows what you truly deserve."

Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)

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