Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Final call! Final call!
Last reminder that I'll be doing my only London event this year (probably) tomorrow evening at Dulwich Library. Appearing with other teen fiction authors, Simmone Howell, Luisa Plaja and Keris Stainton at an event to celebrate Chicklish's fourth anniversary. Come if you can!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Just received my report card today :) it isn't bad, yet it isn't really good. Need to study and work harder for my next level! I'm promoted to Grade 9. Well, none of my friends failed. All did pass, only for my class ehehe. UN is coming :D that only means I MUST do better. It's not easy to pass it anyway, around 32 students in Methodist-2 didn't pass. See, but I believe it's not hard since I want to learn.
To be true, life gets more complicated each day. Not to mention the never-ending list of my challenges, the life itself is tough. Who says life isn't difficult? No one ever did, no one ever dare. Like people say, as long as you're still breathing, challenges will not end. It will come, 'cause it has to! To make us stronger. The only thing matters is what do you take challenges in life as.
Just posting a short post here :p not going to elaborate everything that's happening. It's too long and I got no time ahaha! :D
Sealed with a smile, talithayohana :)
Monday, June 21, 2010

HEYHO! :) I start fasting today, yes, for Army of God. It's held on 12 and 13 August 2010 in Apron TNI AU. Please do come! :) it's an open invitation. Bring as many friends as you want. It's up to you.
There will be:
Ps. Philip Mantofa
Ps. Jaeson Ma
Ps. Yosep Moro Wijaya
Vanness Wu
Nafa Urbach
Zack Lee
Ari Wibowo
Ps. Jaeson Ma
Ps. Yosep Moro Wijaya
Vanness Wu
Nafa Urbach
Zack Lee
Ari Wibowo
Any questions? Drop comments :) GB.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Coaches, but not all, some left earlier.

My group (CHAMPION)
I'm back y a y !
Well, I'm not as happy as it seem. In fact, I'm not glad at all. I miss the times when we cheered, we laughed, we cried. We did everything together, but we had to separate in a sudden, and that made me sad, really sad. I want to replay those memories or make time faster until next year's camp.
That's not going to happen, I know. Honestly, even though I had gone through the same thing in this programme many times, but every time I join this programme I feel upgraded from one level to another. I experienced new ones :) like the one I did on Day 3 (Tuesday) hahaha. It's because of the word "care" and also "concern" for others. My PD, Igor, told me that coaching is not a job, it's a calling. Kata-kata itu nancep banget! It's true.
I'm glad to know people like them, they supported me and I hope will be always supporting me :) thank you God for letting me meet them.
What I've learned from this year's camp:
"True friend is the one who dares to tell you the truth, and is brave enough to say that you are wrong, only because of care and concern towards you."
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Just to let you people know...
That it's possible...
to try making pandan cake...
and suddenly end up with a cheese cake...
eventhough you got your ingredients right...
for Hasvinder Kaur and Farhana Nohrin...
That it's possible...
to try making pandan cake...
and suddenly end up with a cheese cake...
eventhough you got your ingredients right...
for Hasvinder Kaur and Farhana Nohrin...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Kabus dan Kabut
Aku masih ingat hari aku belajar perbezaan antara kabus dengan kabut
Lava: Cikgu, kabus dengan kabut tuh ape bezanyer?
Cikgu: Kabus tuh jadi kat lebih 1000m, kabut tuh kurang darr 1000m, selalunyer terbentuk kat laut..
Lava :Abis, apesal pulak name dier lain2?
Cikgu: Tempat lain, name dier lain..
Lava: Jadik, kalo kat sini azmi, kat US ezmi? (wakakakaka)
Cikgu: Ialah...kalo luar gunung berapi tuh lava, kalau dalam gunung berapi tuh namenyer magma....
Kamie: padan muker kaw!
Lava: Cikgu, kabus dengan kabut tuh ape bezanyer?
Cikgu: Kabus tuh jadi kat lebih 1000m, kabut tuh kurang darr 1000m, selalunyer terbentuk kat laut..
Lava :Abis, apesal pulak name dier lain2?
Cikgu: Tempat lain, name dier lain..
Lava: Jadik, kalo kat sini azmi, kat US ezmi? (wakakakaka)
Cikgu: Ialah...kalo luar gunung berapi tuh lava, kalau dalam gunung berapi tuh namenyer magma....
Kamie: padan muker kaw!
Friday, June 11, 2010
A must get poetic edda by Tolkien
I remember buying this after hearing HarperCollins releasing it, on May 5th 2009. It was written by Tolkien in the 1920's and remained unpublish till the very recent. Those who are interested in poetic edda, traditional poetry or a Tolkien maniac should have a copy. His son did a good job on the commentary.
You'll understand it better if you're familiar with german mythology. Remember the legend of Sigurd and the fall of the Niflungs?Without my middle english vocab revision, I was able to catch most during Signy.
I've gone through this work of Tolkien's four times. Thought of starting a poetic edda myself, but I laughed at that thought...myself.
I shall post a summary written by myself, with my notes and references I make to the usage of the language of the middle earth for anyone's convenience, but will do after I restart posting "Fingery Usage for the modern English language", you'll see it now and then.
Dont worry, I will slot some fingeries for middle english usage (I could see faces of concern among my old readers).
Till my golden badge would always say my boys, "read"
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
London event! Monday, 28th June.
To celebrate the 4th birthday of fantastic teen fic site, Chicklish, Tales on Moon Lane and Southwark Libraries would like to invite you to spend an evening with teen authors Luisa Plaja, Sarra Manning, Keris Stainton and Simmone Howell at Dulwich Library on Monday 28th June at 5.45pm.The authors will be discussing their writing from 6.15 followed by an opportunity to get books signed. Drinks

Sometimes, I just hope that one specific dream of mine came true. What I mean is the dream that I am dreaming day and night. I want to reach it, even though I'm not sure I'm able to reach it or even make it to reality. I'm looking forward to do anything to reach it, it's just that something in my heart tell me not to. Complicated? Yes, so complicated. It's even more complicated than what I could express here, through writings. I hope this quote applies in real life.
“Every moment of pain, weakness, and discomfort puts you in a position to choose how you will react and how you will alleviate your condition.”
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
I bring you GREAT news :) aaaaa I get in to the AKLTG Coach Team, again (this year) :D weheee! FYI, I'm the only girl from Medan, but who cares. It's my third time for passing and my second time to join. I couldn't make it the previous year because I went to Jakarta for holiday and they just told me the day I arrived at Jakarta :/ here's the list of names who got in:
Devris WIjaya (MDN)
Ichsan Thamin Wiputra (MDN)
Stefen Setiawan (MDN)
Talitha Yohana (MDN)
Adriyan Viryadi (MDN)
Benny Mulyo (MDN)
Triwijono (MDN)
Andy Susanto (MDN)
See? I'm the only girl. Perhaps I'm the only middle school students too. aaaaa but like I've mentioned before, WHO CARES! So yea, I'll be leaving this Saturday evening to Piaget, then I'm not sure what we're gonna do after that. Maybe, preparation. Yes, of course! I'm excited gah!
Devris WIjaya (MDN)
Ichsan Thamin Wiputra (MDN)
Stefen Setiawan (MDN)
Talitha Yohana (MDN)
Adriyan Viryadi (MDN)
Benny Mulyo (MDN)
Triwijono (MDN)
Andy Susanto (MDN)
See? I'm the only girl. Perhaps I'm the only middle school students too. aaaaa but like I've mentioned before, WHO CARES! So yea, I'll be leaving this Saturday evening to Piaget, then I'm not sure what we're gonna do after that. Maybe, preparation. Yes, of course! I'm excited gah!
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Dead Zebra
We saw a dead zebra
in the drain ; beside the post office
We saw a dead monkey
and a man begging for money
beside a crowded morning clinic
We saw a chimpanzee gasping for air
and a chimp barely able to breathe (in the sea)
We saw a man wearing zebra clothes
crossing the zebra crossing
We saw a man wearing zigzag clothes
crossing the zigzag crossing
Why should we all suffer like this
We want to remove all zebra crossings
We want to remove all zigzag crossings
We want clean air for the chimpanzees
We want money to be given to the man with the dead monkey
We want the DBKL to clean the drain,
which got clogged by the dead zebra
We want John Masters and Polo given to people who wear
crap clothes
Let us decide what the community rights should be;
for now and forever.
By Hasvinder Kaur and Lavania Sugu
17th October 2006
in the drain ; beside the post office
We saw a dead monkey
and a man begging for money
beside a crowded morning clinic
We saw a chimpanzee gasping for air
and a chimp barely able to breathe (in the sea)
We saw a man wearing zebra clothes
crossing the zebra crossing
We saw a man wearing zigzag clothes
crossing the zigzag crossing
Why should we all suffer like this
We want to remove all zebra crossings
We want to remove all zigzag crossings
We want clean air for the chimpanzees
We want money to be given to the man with the dead monkey
We want the DBKL to clean the drain,
which got clogged by the dead zebra
We want John Masters and Polo given to people who wear
crap clothes
Let us decide what the community rights should be;
for now and forever.
By Hasvinder Kaur and Lavania Sugu
17th October 2006
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Most people tend to write pages of list of things they wanted. On the other side, probably they don't realize what they actually have. Life ALWAYS has 2 sides.
- Gue bersyukur punya Tuhan yang punya segalanya, and on top of everything, punya Tuhan yang pengertian, baik, great, and of course perfect :) yang selalu sayang sama gue meskipun gue sering nyakitin Dia. Bukan satu kali dua kali tiga kali, tapi berulang kali. Thank you for every single little thing, Lord.
- Daddy and Mommy yang selalu supportive. Makasih buat waktu, tenaga yang kalian udah keluarin buat gedein gue :') I never thought of any greater person in this world than you guys (well of course after God). Makasih buat air mata nya saat mommy lahirin gue, anak yang kadang-kadang ga sopan sama kalian. Daddy, thanks for the jokes to finally cheer me up in the middle of the night.
- Irvino and Edith, sorry kalo kadang-kadang cici yang satu ini terlalu cerewet sama kalian :b maaf banget ya, tapi kalian tau kan kalo gue sayang banget sama kalian berdua ;) thanks for not making me bored, kalian selalu punya ide untuk buat gue ketawa, apa pun itu.
- Oma Selly and Pho Pho, kalian berdua nenek yg GREAT. First of all, makasih udah lahirin bonyok gue. Kalo ga ada kalian, pasti ga ada mereka, dan kalo ga ada mereka, pasti ga ada gue. Makasih ya. Meskipun Oma udah ngga ada, dan yang sempet liat cuma gue karna Oma udah ga ada waktu Irvino dan Edith lahir, gue tetep sayang sama Oma kok :) and Pho Pho, makasih buat masakan Chinese nyaaa ;) slurp. I love it lotsss, cepet balik ya dari Surabayaaa :D anyway, gue belom sempet nge-liat Opa and Gong Gong (grandpa in mandarin), but I believe that both of you were great people.
- Regina Natalia gue sayang sama lo :* makasih buat nasehat nya. Kita sering berantem tapi pada akhir nya, kita baikan lagi, ya ga? :D cepet ke medan yaaa! See you soooon! WEHEEE (this post is short due to my excitement of seeing her aaaaa)
- Olivia maaf gue ga tau nama panjang lo. Yang satu ini temen gue TK, SD kelas 1 sampe 3, abis itu dia pindah ke Jakarta. Sempet ketemuan juga di Jakarta beberapa taon yang lalu (lupa kapan :b) tapi sekarang udah lost contact. Wish to meet you :(
- Elizabeth Marietta makasih bener anter jemput nya :D HAHA sekarang udah bisa nyetir antar jemput gue yaaaaa ;) yang satu ini, dia super duper kocak. Ga bakal kehabisan topik kalo ngomong sama dia HAHA
- Maggie Kanggoro, Patricia Odilia, Audrey Selena, Giovanni Agripina, and Clarissa Tjangnaka I love you guysss :* meskipun udah ga satu sekolah, lo ga lupain gue kaaan?
- Arlene Natasha ini mami gueee :) orang nya baik, cakep, pinter, dan pengertian. Never thought that our house is this near, as in very near (!) HAHA meskipun udah ketemuan lama (waktu di ET), tapi belom lama kenalan nya :D but I'm glad to know her.
- Arlia Roselin ini cici nya Arlene. Cakep juga, baik juga, pinter juga aaaaa mirip kan? :D orang nya super fun. Sebetulnya, Arlene juga sih, ah pokok nya sama lah mereka berdua ga jauh beda HAHAHA dan iya belom lama kenalan sama mereka berdua, baru satu stengah taon :b
- Jenny anak yang never-thought-kalo-dia-gila! Gue pikir dia alim, rupa nya kocak juga. Ketemu waktu story telling competition di Briton. Familiar with her name? Yea, I've posted about her before :)
- Maik Andri, Jeffrey Kristanto, Randy Tandra, Handy Tandra, Vincentia Laksono, dan Raymond yang sering nemenin gue saat malam Minggu :D ya ngga? Oke, mereka temen satu sel gue yang super duper hyper gokil!
- Julie Christine and Militia Christi orang nya perasaan seneng terus deh HAHA. Belom begitu lama kenal mereka, tapi merasa sudah deket :b lol gue jamin ga nyesel kalo kenal orang-orang kayak mereka berdua.
- Kezia Charissa, makasih ya buat words di blog kamu yang ohlalala banget :D I'm a fan! aaaaa you're talented, udah cakep, pinter, baik, cinta Tuhan wow
- Irene Hartanto :D gue kenal dari dunia maya yang ternyata temen-temen gue kenal. Sering ketemuan kalo jalan di Sun Plaza. Makasih udah nemenin ke Dago sama Ko Maik yaaa ;)
That's all! Sorry kalo beberapa yang ga disebutin. Maybe I missed out some, but yea I still do love you guys. Thanks for being beside me all this time.
Gue nyadar, gue terinspirasi lagi dari post Regina Natalia dan Kezia Charissa. I don't know how many times I've said this before, but yesss their blogs are inspirative.
Sorry for my bad grammar, sorry for the short description because it will took me the whole night to write all the good stuffs you guys had done for me :)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Mom’s cousin brought back a new girlfriend, and boy how annoying that 23 year old woman was. Visiting sucks. There’s nothing much in Tampin, just a large area filled with old, half abandoned kampongs. Irritated, I burst out all swears that I can swear out. With mummy busy with visiting, I decided to sneak out, and explore the boredom of whatever that’s still standing.
And so I begin my ‘journey’, carrying a bag filled with my wallet, phone, food, a book and a bottle of water. As I was walking in that small town, I decided to take a detour, entering a small road behind the shops, leading to a small kampong, barely filled with people, and oh so usang. The houses were all made of wood; some were as clear as no more. The kampong was not maintained anymore, so, the nearby hutan is taking over.And so, being female, I decided to enter the kampong, walking on its main road, passing by every old house. After a short while, I reached the end of the kampong, facing a hutan. There, where I was standing, was an old wooden house, where an old granny came out, and said “Nak, buat apo rayao-rayao?” “Tengok-tengok je nek” “Kalo cam tuh, kalo nampak harimao, jangan tegur, jangan buat bising tau, buat tak taw eh, tak mo tegor-tegor” (My dear Malay friends, you know what she meant).
After having her creeping me out, I decided to enter the hutan, just to look around, without knowing that my geographical instincts was about to get me into real trouble. I saw a tree with a fruit that is adable, I don’t know its name, but it taste like passion fruit (grandma taught me). Then, something caught my eye, moving, it was a biawak, huge fella. Came down, and I approach the creature. Realising that action, the giant lizard darted of, fast. I chased it, without thinking. As I was running, I step into a dent, which turned out to be a huge hole. The hole was deep, and the fall was hard. My head went spiny for a while. I rolled up to my back, moving my legs and arms, then my neck, to check if there’s anything broken. Got up, to check for any injuries, none. I look up, and around. It turns out I fell into some sort of a drain. I was in this cubicle concrete structure, all dried up, and with its surface covered with plants, which explains why I didn’t realise its existence. I tried reaching my hands to the top, jumping as high as I could, but with no luck, it was deep. There were no cracks or jolts to help me up and after 15 minutes shouting for help, I realise it was pointless. I knew I was stuck, for sure. There was no way out. I sat, feeling hungry; grab a bite of whatever I had in my bag. I was hoping for someone to find me, but I am aware of how hopeless it was, who would enter an abandoned mini-hutan anyway, no one knows the drain was there.
But I wasn’t afraid. I found it extremely weird that I was not afraid. I should be, fear is the key to survival, makes you think. I was fonder with my curiosity about the drain, its unfamiliar structure, how it resembles nothing like modern drainage systems, how old and decomposing the concrete is, how it tunnels both on my left and right. After spending an hour in there, I decided to find a way out myself. If I can’t go up, then I’ll get out sideways, the drain will surely lead me somewhere. Thus, I followed the tunnel. It was getting dark, and I know I have to move fast before I lose precious daylight. I reached to the other end, deposited in another cubicle of useless concrete. I move on, continuing into the tunnel, reaching another cubicle. I was lucky as the walls were cracked opened by roots of trees, growing through the walls of the concrete. I decided to use the roots to climb up, placing my hands and feet progressively. Trust me; it wasn’t as easy as it is in the movies. I spent half an hour trying to climb out. Once I got out, I look out for a long stick, using it to trek the hutan, making sure I would not fall into anything anymore. I used my bearing I learned from Pn.Rusmarini and especially Cikgu Azmi, identifying where the sun sets, the gradient of the slants and identifying the tree that I might have cross by (and boy I was useless at those skills). I know I should move a roughly minus 25 of west (thanks again Cikgu Azmi for applying that habit into us). Finally, I got out, facing an extremely old house, a part of the kampong the hutan successfully taken over. I follow the path which leads me to the main road of the kampong, and out. I took the small road out from behind the shops, entered the town, and back home. It was already 6 in the evening, or so. My mom went hysterical; I can’t answer her calls, can I? There was no signal. I could not tell her I snuck out, entered an abandoned kampong, chased a lizard into the hutan, and got stuck in a hole.
“Errmmm...I went for cendol mummy, in town...and got caught up with football on TV, sorry”
Went into the bathroom, I checked for scratches and such. I was proud I didn’t injure myself, after a fall like that, I could have broken something. Then, I saw a dried twig tangled in my hair. While attempting to get it out, it scraped the skin of my finger. There goes my record.
After a hot shower back in KL, the shivers start to kick in. I wasn’t scared before. I was too busy thinking about getting out, getting my bearings, wondering about such a huge, unfamiliar of a drain in the middle of a thick bush pat, what was it doing there and such. I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that I was stuck, or might get eaten by wild animals, or die of starvation, or maybe it might have rained, or that it might be too late when people already found me. The thoughts which I left aside came back, and boy was I scared!
I was very lucky. It could have become serious. Thus, I would like to thank Cikgu Azmi for the skills, Artemis, Goddess of the maidens for protecting me, Athena, goddess of wisdom for my actions, Odin, for my bravery, Christ, for my realisations and for making me love myself and Semangat for not making me nature’s food. My friends, who cared about me and the poor, lonely, undiscovered longkang.
And lastly, my dear teacher, Nehemiah Trot, who kept me going throughout the entire moment, keeping me sane, encouraging me to continue planning, which help my survival. I never got lost in a jungle before, and this was my first, even though it wasn’t really a jungle, something I like to call a mini-hutan. You can write that down and nailed it on whoever’s door, I shall write. I am definitely proud to be your young Alexander. Thus, I dedicated this post for you.
And so I begin my ‘journey’, carrying a bag filled with my wallet, phone, food, a book and a bottle of water. As I was walking in that small town, I decided to take a detour, entering a small road behind the shops, leading to a small kampong, barely filled with people, and oh so usang. The houses were all made of wood; some were as clear as no more. The kampong was not maintained anymore, so, the nearby hutan is taking over.And so, being female, I decided to enter the kampong, walking on its main road, passing by every old house. After a short while, I reached the end of the kampong, facing a hutan. There, where I was standing, was an old wooden house, where an old granny came out, and said “Nak, buat apo rayao-rayao?” “Tengok-tengok je nek” “Kalo cam tuh, kalo nampak harimao, jangan tegur, jangan buat bising tau, buat tak taw eh, tak mo tegor-tegor” (My dear Malay friends, you know what she meant).
After having her creeping me out, I decided to enter the hutan, just to look around, without knowing that my geographical instincts was about to get me into real trouble. I saw a tree with a fruit that is adable, I don’t know its name, but it taste like passion fruit (grandma taught me). Then, something caught my eye, moving, it was a biawak, huge fella. Came down, and I approach the creature. Realising that action, the giant lizard darted of, fast. I chased it, without thinking. As I was running, I step into a dent, which turned out to be a huge hole. The hole was deep, and the fall was hard. My head went spiny for a while. I rolled up to my back, moving my legs and arms, then my neck, to check if there’s anything broken. Got up, to check for any injuries, none. I look up, and around. It turns out I fell into some sort of a drain. I was in this cubicle concrete structure, all dried up, and with its surface covered with plants, which explains why I didn’t realise its existence. I tried reaching my hands to the top, jumping as high as I could, but with no luck, it was deep. There were no cracks or jolts to help me up and after 15 minutes shouting for help, I realise it was pointless. I knew I was stuck, for sure. There was no way out. I sat, feeling hungry; grab a bite of whatever I had in my bag. I was hoping for someone to find me, but I am aware of how hopeless it was, who would enter an abandoned mini-hutan anyway, no one knows the drain was there.
But I wasn’t afraid. I found it extremely weird that I was not afraid. I should be, fear is the key to survival, makes you think. I was fonder with my curiosity about the drain, its unfamiliar structure, how it resembles nothing like modern drainage systems, how old and decomposing the concrete is, how it tunnels both on my left and right. After spending an hour in there, I decided to find a way out myself. If I can’t go up, then I’ll get out sideways, the drain will surely lead me somewhere. Thus, I followed the tunnel. It was getting dark, and I know I have to move fast before I lose precious daylight. I reached to the other end, deposited in another cubicle of useless concrete. I move on, continuing into the tunnel, reaching another cubicle. I was lucky as the walls were cracked opened by roots of trees, growing through the walls of the concrete. I decided to use the roots to climb up, placing my hands and feet progressively. Trust me; it wasn’t as easy as it is in the movies. I spent half an hour trying to climb out. Once I got out, I look out for a long stick, using it to trek the hutan, making sure I would not fall into anything anymore. I used my bearing I learned from Pn.Rusmarini and especially Cikgu Azmi, identifying where the sun sets, the gradient of the slants and identifying the tree that I might have cross by (and boy I was useless at those skills). I know I should move a roughly minus 25 of west (thanks again Cikgu Azmi for applying that habit into us). Finally, I got out, facing an extremely old house, a part of the kampong the hutan successfully taken over. I follow the path which leads me to the main road of the kampong, and out. I took the small road out from behind the shops, entered the town, and back home. It was already 6 in the evening, or so. My mom went hysterical; I can’t answer her calls, can I? There was no signal. I could not tell her I snuck out, entered an abandoned kampong, chased a lizard into the hutan, and got stuck in a hole.
“Errmmm...I went for cendol mummy, in town...and got caught up with football on TV, sorry”
Went into the bathroom, I checked for scratches and such. I was proud I didn’t injure myself, after a fall like that, I could have broken something. Then, I saw a dried twig tangled in my hair. While attempting to get it out, it scraped the skin of my finger. There goes my record.
After a hot shower back in KL, the shivers start to kick in. I wasn’t scared before. I was too busy thinking about getting out, getting my bearings, wondering about such a huge, unfamiliar of a drain in the middle of a thick bush pat, what was it doing there and such. I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that I was stuck, or might get eaten by wild animals, or die of starvation, or maybe it might have rained, or that it might be too late when people already found me. The thoughts which I left aside came back, and boy was I scared!
I was very lucky. It could have become serious. Thus, I would like to thank Cikgu Azmi for the skills, Artemis, Goddess of the maidens for protecting me, Athena, goddess of wisdom for my actions, Odin, for my bravery, Christ, for my realisations and for making me love myself and Semangat for not making me nature’s food. My friends, who cared about me and the poor, lonely, undiscovered longkang.
And lastly, my dear teacher, Nehemiah Trot, who kept me going throughout the entire moment, keeping me sane, encouraging me to continue planning, which help my survival. I never got lost in a jungle before, and this was my first, even though it wasn’t really a jungle, something I like to call a mini-hutan. You can write that down and nailed it on whoever’s door, I shall write. I am definitely proud to be your young Alexander. Thus, I dedicated this post for you.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Okay well, gue terinspirasi sama post nya Regina Natalia yang tentang copycatter. Semua orang punya pandangan beda-beda dengan kata "copycatter". Menurut gue, copycatter itu adalah orang yang kurang (ato ngga sama sekali) percaya diri, kurang self-esteem gitu. Ngerti? Kalo mereka berani dikit aja, at least dia bakalan nambah kreatifitas nya dikit ke sesuatu nya supaya ga dijiplak copycatter (meskipun itu adalah copycatters secara tidak langsung lol).
Cukup dengan copycatters nya. Bagaimana dengan orang yang di contoh nya? GA USAH DI BAWA EMOSI. Liat sisi positif nya, berarti LO ITU KEREN DI MATA MEREKA, DAN PATUT DIJADIIN CONTOH. See? It only proofs that you are better than them, and you're good enough to be an example for them. Meskipun menurut gue ngopi mati-matian itu out of mind :p (no offense). Tapi mendingan supaya lebih safe, lo setidak nya ngasih credit ke orang yang udah lo tiruin in any kind of ways. That will be better, at least.
Kayak ini nih gue, kan niru Regina punya post, Kezia juga pernah post sih, tapi ini ngga bisa dibilang nge-copycat, gue kan ga jiplak jeplok sana sini, paling topik nya aja yang sama :D gapapa kan re, kez? HIHIHI
Oh iya, gue juga mau nambahin, Tuhan itu ciptain orang beda-beda, you know why? Itu karna di balik perbedaan itu, masing-masing punya kelebihan, dan ngga ada satu pun orang yang ngga punya, lo pasti punya. Dan kenapa harus jadi sperti orang lain, kalo bisa jadi diri sendiri? :)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
"No winter lasts forever, and no spring skips its turn."
This quote means a lot to me. It somehow keeps me survive from all the "hunger"s in my life I'm going through now. At least, this keeps me to relax knowing that the best is yet to come. Well, of course with His guidance, too. I found this quote while surfing, precisely from Reffy Nugraha's twitter. So yea, wanna share it with all of you.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Well, idk what to post although I feel like posting something. So yea, life is pretty good (not really). Anywaysss, finished my exams and glad to know that I didn't fail even one of it :D
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
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