Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Great Big, It's Fricking Chrismukkah Quiz...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Does this blog post make me look fat?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
How Can The Decline In Serious Crime Since The Mid 1990’s Be Explained?
One most consider the factors and what led to this decline. Analyzing these factors can help predict future trends with crime. There are numerous factors that may have factored in the decline in juvenile crime rates.
Could the decline in juvenile crime be influenced by the improvements in the economy during the 1990’s? According to the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics the percentage of children living in poverty feel sharply from 1993-2000, especially for African American children. The reduction of poverty contributes to better parenting practices and improved school performance which may lower delinquency. During the same time period, unemployment declined and gave teenagers with limited skills and education the opportunity for work. Employment is a contributor to crime reduction due to their job commitment and prevents opportunities to commit crime.
Could the decline in crime rates be contributed by improvements in police practices? More police were hired during the 1990s and a new method of policing was introduced. Community Policing made efforts to crack down on specific crimes such as, drug sells, guns, gangs, and to lower crime in locations know for higher crime rates. Community Policing is problem-oriented policing where the police attempt to address the problems that contribute to crime. In addition, other cities did not adopt Community Policing and reported a reduction in crime according to researchers.
Were more juveniles incarcerated at a higher rate in the 1990s that may have led to the decline in crime? Incarcerating juveniles prevents crime because juveniles are unable to commit crimes on the street, and their incarceration may prevent others from committing crime.
Overall, besides these factors there are numerous other factors that may have led to the decrease in crime during the 1990s. Future trends depicting an increase or decrease in crime will be determined by the economy and the current crime control strategies utilized by law enforcement, preventing delinquency, improved incarceration methods for juveniles, and effective methods to rehabilitate juvenile offenders in the United States. All these factors are important because they significantly impact the causes of delinquency.
Tis the season...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Gender Differences In Delinquency
Males are significantly more delinquent than females. Females are more likely to be arrested as runaways. According to the 2004 UCR, female delinquents have been increasing faster than males. Between 1994 and 2004, the number of arrests of male delinquents decreased about 22%, whereas the number of female delinquents arrested increased by 12%.
What crimes are male and female delinquents arrested for? Males commit more crimes than females, but do males commit different crimes then females? Both male and female delinquents are most often arrested for minor crimes. There are some differences in the crimes which males and females are arrested. A majority of all males are arrested for serious crimes. According to the 2004 UCR, 4.7% of all males arrested are for serious violent crimes compareed to 2.6% of all female arrests. And 7.1% of all male arrests are for the serious property crimes such as, burglary and motor-vehicle theft compared to 2.7% of all females. In contrast, the majority of all female arrests are for larceny and status offenses. About 18% of all female arrests are for the status offense of running away and curfew violation versus 9% of all male arrests. Even though males are more likely to be arrested then females, the proportion of all arrests accounted for by females has been increasing over time.
Despite the statistics from the 2004 UCR what other variables may be responsible for the gender delinquency differences? The interactions of socialization, learning, and their culture are all significant factors. Males and females may behave differently due to how they were exposed to different styles of socialization, learned different values, and had different cultural experiences. If both sexes were equally exposed to those factors that produce delinquency, then their delinquency rates would be equal. In American culture, gender role is a significant factor as to why both sexes act differently.
Females are expected to be feminine and display nurturing traits such as being sympathetic and gentle. In contrast, boys are expected to be masculine and display traits of assertiveness and dominance. Females are expected to behave according to the gender role and avoid masculine behavior. Females display more self-control then males which is a factor to help explain differences in delinquency. Whereas, males learn to become masculine by their actions approved by peers such as, aggressive behavior and to avoid displaying nonmasculine traits. The aggressive factor displayed by males increase their delinquency rate. Gender role has a significant impact as to why males commit more crime then females.
Links of Interest:
2. Gender, social bonds, and delinquency: a comparison of boys' and girls' models
Monday, November 10, 2008
The beast, it wakes!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Okay....okay! Now is the moment you have all been waiting for (all 4 of you)! Here are some wedding pictures - especially for YOU, Rena McCarty Howard!

Reagan and me gettin' down with our bad selves!
Oh...and did I mention there was karaoke?? Oh yes, there was karaoke! This picture brought to you courtesy of Pat Benatar.
And with karaoke, comes the girls singing, what else? "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." I would like to take this time to personally thank Cyndi Lauper for making the most fabulous karaoke song ever to be recorded.
The Love Birds
Monday, October 20, 2008
She could have been a sweetheart but with punk rock manners...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Effects Of Divorce On Children

Are children of divorced couples more at risk for antisocial behavior than children in intact homes? Parents whose marriages are secure produce secure and independent children. In contrast, a child living in a broken home is a strong indicator of a child’s delinquent behavior. Children who have experienced family breakup are more likely to display behavior problems and hyperactivity than children in intact families.
How does divorce effect boys and girls differently? Boys seem to be more affected by the post divorce absence of the father. In post divorce situations, fathers seem less likely to be around to solve problems, to discuss standards of conduct, or to enforce discipline. A divorced father who remains actively involved in the child’s life reduces his son’s chances of delinquency. In contrast, girls are more affected by the quality of their of their mother’s parenting and post divorce parental conflict. Overall, boys and girls are affected by divorce due to emotional distress and are as prone to delinquency but the major difference is the father to son and mother to daughter relationship following the divorce.
Links Of Interest:Coping With Divorce
Effects Of Divorce On Child
Myths Surround Child And Divorce
Monday, September 29, 2008
Correlation Between Age And Crime

(Click Link For Larger View Of Graph. Figure 1.9 "Age of Sex And Offenders.")
The statistics on this graph indicates juvenile and young adult offender’s crime peaks between the ages of fifteen and nineteen in which their offending rates decline shapely. The statistics also indicate juvenile offenders are arrested disproportionately compared to the general population.
Why do individuals commit less crime as they age? Despite the variables of race, and sex social class, intelligence people commit less crime as they age. What causes the aging-out process of crime? Maturity is a key variable due to the ability to resist a quick fix to their problems. A juvenile may turn to crime as a way to solve problems of adolescence, loneliness, frustration, and fear of peer rejection. As one matures, conventional means of problem solving become available. Life experience helps former delinquents seek nondestructive solutions to their personal problems. Furthermore, maturity correlates with increased levels of responsibility. As juveniles and young adults get older, they take on new responsibilities that are inconsistent with criminality and risky behavior. For example, some people who marry, enlist in the armed services, or enroll in school or vocational training are less likely to pursue criminal activities.
In addition to maturity, what other factors help to explain the decline of crime with age? Personalities can change with age. As one matures, rebellious, and troublesome juveniles may develop increased self-control and be able to resist antisocial behavior. Furthermore, juveniles and young adults become more aware of the risks that accompany crime. They realize crime is too dangerous, physically strenuous, and unrewarding. As adults they are no longer protected by the juvenile justice system, and face harsher punishments in the adult criminal court system that may have negative long lasting effects.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Juveniles Tried In Adult Criminal Court

In contrast, there are many juvenile offenders that commit crime and deserve punishment in which rehabilitation programs may not be effective with all juveniles. The transfer of juveniles to adult court is attractive to conservatives due to the get-tough policy, which is currently popular. One may argue the increased use of the transfer can help get violent offenders off the streets and should be mandatory for juveniles committing serious violent crimes. Transfers are reserved for the most serious cases and the most serious juvenile offenders. They are most likely to be transferred to criminal court if they have injured someone with a weapon or if they have a long juvenile court record.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Early Success In School Prevents Drug Use
Researchers at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research tracked a national sample of 3,000 students from the age’s mid-adolescence to young adult. An interesting fact from the research is the effects of educational setbacks of marijuana or cocaine use were less and not as long lasting as the impact of cigarette use. Overall, the research found adolescents who have not made good adjustments to school are likely to become involved in a variety of problem behaviors such as delinquency, smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use.
The research demonstrates how school success protects against teen and young adult drug use but why is school an important factor? Poor academic performance has been directly linked to delinquent behavior. School failure is a stronger predictor of delinquency than economic class, racial or ethnic background or peer relations variables. In addition, how does school failure affect the student? School experience is a direct cause of delinquent behavior. Students who fail in school become frustrated, angry, and rejected. Believing they will never achieve success through conventional means, they seek out like-minded companions and engage in antisocial behaviors. Educational failure, beginning early, produces negative responses from important people in the student's life.

The article stated, “The beauty of tracking individuals through this crucial period or maturation is that we can see which events come first, thus gain important evidence about what cases what,” In contrast, tracking divides students into groups according to their ability and achievement level in which is a factor to delinquency. Students who are in the lower academic groups carry with them the stain of failure and academic incompetence. Over time may cause these students from having any hope of achieving academic success, in which causes a lack of motivation, failure, and rebellion. All of these factors promote delinquent behavior.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Weeps softly
Friday, August 29, 2008
i am SOOOO married now!
The wedding was fantastic. All the stress and headache of planning, inviting, decorating, and preparing turned into dancing, singing, and rejoicing in just a few hours. The amazing thing is I did not cry once while walking down the aisle or while reciting my vows. The flowers were gorgeous...only one of Reagan's red blooms turned black...which was okay because it was in the back of the bouquet...and the air was filled with fun and excitement. My cake, which was made by my gal pal Jen, was super cute and yummy too! I get giddy inside when I think back on the day. The dancing was too fun, and the karaoke was awesomely bad! I have tons of pictures to post and stories to tell...very soon!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Summer Reading List (Part Three - Odds and sods and odd sods)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Stress much???

Me, John and Sadie (John's Mom)

John (acting goofy...naturally) with his sisters (Diana and Laurie)

Me and John (sans sombrero!)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Summer Reading List (Part Two - Difficult women)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Vote for me!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Summer reading list (Part One - The Classics)
Friday, June 13, 2008
18 things to do before you're 18...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Nominate me!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Welcome to the Upper East Side, Bitch
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Saying Goodbye!
Seems like goodbye's such a hard thing to say
Touching a hand, wondering why
It's time for saying goodbye

Makes us remember the good times we've had
Much more to say, foolish to try
It's time for saying goodbye

Sometimes it's better to go
Somehow I know we'll meet again
Not sure quite where, and I don't know just when
You're in my heart, so until then
Wanna smile, wanna cry
Saying goodbye

It's time for saying goodbye
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Moving To The Land of Meat
As most of you know, I am now a vegetarian. Not for any political reasons, but for dietary reasons. I especially stay away from pork and red meat. But since I have moved, I have found the temptation of meat too great. There was especially one occasion in which my boyfriend and I attended a BBQ cookoff. Why in the world did I think I would possibly have the strength to fend off those deliciously evil pork ribs and brisket? I mean come on, wouldn't you cave too?!?

And just for some ridiculous fun....

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Accept no substitutes
Friday, April 18, 2008
SNEAK PREVIEW! Fashionistas: Candy!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Sneak preview of Fashionistas: Irina
Monday, March 3, 2008
Public Service Announcement
Friday, February 22, 2008
Motivating a Kitten
Your in love again kitten,
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Weddin' in the Dirty South
I am sure most of you are thinking...2 months is a ton of time. However, I am not just moving across town. I am moving across many states from Brooklyn, NY to Austin, TX. And on top of it all, I must plan a wedding. Granted, this will be a very small wedding in comparison to most of the monstrosities that happen, but it's still a wedding, and every girl knows how much of an ordeal weddings tend to be. Every time one starts planning, they say "this is our wedding...we will do what we want and invite who we want." To that I say, "WHATEVER!!" The wedding is about keeping people happy and making sure they have fun. For example, planning the guest list with my boyfriend (I refuse to say such an ewwie word as fiancee) has turned into a discussion of...well, if we invite this friend, we will need to invite this person so that friend has someone to hang out with, and if we invite this uncle, then we will have to invite that aunt because we don't want dad (brother of said aunt and uncle) to be upset or given a hard time by the family. And so it begins...the major ordeal. Thankfully, I do have a very supportive boyfriend and fantastic best friend, Reagan Weaver (my maid of honor). Sadly, she lives in a far away place called Oxford, MS. Ugh...I miss her so!!
After the minor stress-out of this morning was over, I came to the realization that just as all things have happened in my life so far, it will all come together...although I'm sure not without a few freak outs, internal screaming fits, and long stress relieving workouts. Hey, maybe I will lose that pesky 10 lbs my body seems to want to hang onto. Gotta see the bright side somehow, right?
Friday, February 15, 2008
Girl Power

It was so great! Aside from the fact that we were surrounded by adolescent girls in which the meaning of "girl power" was completely lost, (as you can see, we were utterly disgusted)

we were singing, dancing, screaming along with the girl pop icons of our late teens/early twenties.
More than just the concert, I was able to take two of my most favorite gal pals to my most favorite haunts of New York City. We went to Lombardi's (the best pizza in the US), Rice to Riches (every flavor of rice pudding you can imagine), the Fluevog store (my favorite shoes, Reagan bought 1 pair, I bought 2!), and the Brooklyn Inn (home to most of my Friday nights and Tom the bartender that makes a mean cocktail!!).

To me, it is the best feeling in the world when something I love, becomes a love to the people I love. Confusing yes, but doesn't it make complete sense?
If you would like more info on the weekend, you can also go to reag's blog...