Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Vote Manning, you know it makes sense!
Holla!Just a quick post because I am drowning in book edits to let you know that the second Queen Of Teen awards is upon us.If you're aged between ten and eighteen, you can nominate your favourite author, which is obviously me because you're reading my blog, having read my books, which automatically makes you intelligent, discerning and have I mentioned how especially gorgeous your hair looks
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Yayyy! Let me share a good news with you. I don't think it's good for you, but since I'm the owner of this blog, you should be happy for me! (Of course no, kidding :p) *drumrolls*...
I'm chosen for English Story Telling Competition. Even though it's not even the beginning of the competition, but I just feel really grateful to be chosen :) wish me tons of luck peeps ;) hihihi.
This post is a very short post, I supposed. Like I mention before, I'm not going to do much posting or post long posts since I got to study. In fact, I didn't study at all until now. One more thing, I must hand in the competition's script on Friday. The topic is "Unforgettable Experience", and at least it's 5 minutes long. My teacher asked me to write 2 pages of my schools' exam paper and that's not short :/ sigh. SHOULD WORK HARD :D
JIA YOU, talitha! (go, talitha!)
I'm chosen for English Story Telling Competition. Even though it's not even the beginning of the competition, but I just feel really grateful to be chosen :) wish me tons of luck peeps ;) hihihi.
This post is a very short post, I supposed. Like I mention before, I'm not going to do much posting or post long posts since I got to study. In fact, I didn't study at all until now. One more thing, I must hand in the competition's script on Friday. The topic is "Unforgettable Experience", and at least it's 5 minutes long. My teacher asked me to write 2 pages of my schools' exam paper and that's not short :/ sigh. SHOULD WORK HARD :D
JIA YOU, talitha! (go, talitha!)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Not going to blog much from today onwards. I supposed you guys know why?
Exam is coming.
So yea, I need to study, study, and study. But before that, I want to share a simple quote, yet so meaningful.
“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” -Walt Disney.
Don't stuck on your failure. Stand up and walk again. If you fall for another time, stand up for another time. There's no such words as "I can't stand up for another time", it's only because you're too tired and hopeless. Keep in mind that His hands are always there for you :) remember, life is only once, so don't regret when you stop having it and you know it's all because of your own faults.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I'm currently very obsessed by this guy name Yiruma. His piano skills are really good, extremely good. I love this music called "River Flows in You". It's also called Edward lullaby even though it's not -___- seeing him play make me wanna start learning piano again :/ sigh. I wish I decided the right choice back then to not stop piano tuition :( okay then, ENJOY :)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
You guys want to know more about me? Okay, I'll give you facts about me :D don't complain ahaha. How many facts do you guys want? 25 is enough, that should do. It's all about me, actually it's not all, SOME.
1. I make Jesus my first priority in life. Doing everything for Him. Even though sometimes I kinda screw this promise.
2. Doing something new, learning new languages and music instruments is what I really want. I want to play every single music instruments (although people tend to say "choose one").
3. I put family as second after God, and then it comes the word "friends".
4. I have passion for singing, dancing (modern dance), and nature.
5. I care about my surroundings, I can be sensitive sometimes.
6. Accept it or not, I'm a perfectionist, except for the fact that my perfectionist level is not that bad :p
7. Babies are way too cute.
8. Watching movies, surfing the internet. I don't think I can live without it.
9. I don't really mean what I say.
10. Not showing off, I'm not a person who gives up easily.
11. I don't really follow others, but I set them as example, of course it's the good one.
12. I find it difficult to control myself, my temper.
13. Smile though my heart is aching, smile when my heart is breaking.
14. I can't get rid of something I enjoy to do (who doesn't?).
15. I believe that there's heaven and hell, that's why sometimes I can be very serious about my life.
16. Old songs fill up my day, especially the lyrics, the words.
17. I don't judge people at first sight.
18. Playing game with my brother and sister is a way of killing my boredom, although we often fight HAHA.
19. I don't find speaking bad words cool. It only shows how miserable you are. No offense.
20. "Tips" is my favourite section in a magazine.
21. Speed-writing? Forget it. I can't write fastly.
22. I want to be luckier, in everything. Succeed in everything I do.
23. I'm not like others, I'm rare. Yes, my personalities are sometimes "odd".
24. Basketball, I LOVE IT! ♥
25. I'm not a person who follows trends.
1. I make Jesus my first priority in life. Doing everything for Him. Even though sometimes I kinda screw this promise.
2. Doing something new, learning new languages and music instruments is what I really want. I want to play every single music instruments (although people tend to say "choose one").
3. I put family as second after God, and then it comes the word "friends".
4. I have passion for singing, dancing (modern dance), and nature.
5. I care about my surroundings, I can be sensitive sometimes.
6. Accept it or not, I'm a perfectionist, except for the fact that my perfectionist level is not that bad :p
7. Babies are way too cute.
8. Watching movies, surfing the internet. I don't think I can live without it.
9. I don't really mean what I say.
10. Not showing off, I'm not a person who gives up easily.
11. I don't really follow others, but I set them as example, of course it's the good one.
12. I find it difficult to control myself, my temper.
13. Smile though my heart is aching, smile when my heart is breaking.
14. I can't get rid of something I enjoy to do (who doesn't?).
15. I believe that there's heaven and hell, that's why sometimes I can be very serious about my life.
16. Old songs fill up my day, especially the lyrics, the words.
17. I don't judge people at first sight.
18. Playing game with my brother and sister is a way of killing my boredom, although we often fight HAHA.
19. I don't find speaking bad words cool. It only shows how miserable you are. No offense.
20. "Tips" is my favourite section in a magazine.
21. Speed-writing? Forget it. I can't write fastly.
22. I want to be luckier, in everything. Succeed in everything I do.
23. I'm not like others, I'm rare. Yes, my personalities are sometimes "odd".
24. Basketball, I LOVE IT! ♥
25. I'm not a person who follows trends.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan
Hari nih, aku hadir jenazah sedara kawan aku....lepas tuh, adelah seekor kucing hitam langkah mayat arwah sedara kawan aku tuh...lepas tuh, mayat tuh bangun, terkejut aku,dan dier pon tanyer semuer yang hadir...
"Aper korang bacer2 nih?"
Patutlah cikgu-cikgu sivik menekankan kepentingan belajar pantang larang tuh....benda2 yg termaktub dlm buku teks kiterorg tuh merupakan fakta yang tepat dan benar....
"Aper korang bacer2 nih?"
Patutlah cikgu-cikgu sivik menekankan kepentingan belajar pantang larang tuh....benda2 yg termaktub dlm buku teks kiterorg tuh merupakan fakta yang tepat dan benar....
Thursday, April 22, 2010
This is just going to be a really short post for today guys :) I just wanna say
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
I hope people will soon realize of how important Earth is. I've start to be more earth-friendly. I used to litter around long ago, not now. The reason why I change? "You got a life? Use it in a positive way." See? Actually it's just a small action of mine, but it still reduces the bad side. What happen if 100 people got the same thinking as mine? Wouldn't it be great? We've reduce 100 litter. Never knew you can reach up to that amount by doing one simple example. So, what do you say?

Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Somehow, being a student in a 'plus' class is not easy. Teachers will never stop expecting high expectations on us. It seems so difficult, but actually, NO. Although teachers will aim high at almost all times, but it doesn't mean we didn't have any fun at all. We all enjoyed being in VIII-A class, we all do. Even though they are almost all very briliant, they still got a teenager side, another side of them. They are all crazy-as-in-fun and brainiac at the same time.
I only got one side of them to regret on. It's no that I'm mean to talk bad things about them, but yea, I want to share this with all of you and take anything worth. Sometimes they can be very unfair. Good ones will only get along with the good ones. They avoid the bad ones at all cost.
Don't be freaked out, it's not as bad as what I told you here :p I'm exaggerating it a little bit HAHAHA. But at least now you have the image of how the situation is, don't you?
I got inspired by @Ivantangkulung. It all starts because I wrote "reviewing B. Indo, again. Making sure I get perfect score :D MUSTTT" on twitter yesterday, and he replied, "anak plus ya gitu... wakakakakak" FYI, he's a 'plus' class student too. He is 2 years older than me, and he is in X-5.
Maybe that's all for today. Religion test tomorrow. Wish me luck guys! :D
Buh-bye! ;)
I only got one side of them to regret on. It's no that I'm mean to talk bad things about them, but yea, I want to share this with all of you and take anything worth. Sometimes they can be very unfair. Good ones will only get along with the good ones. They avoid the bad ones at all cost.
Don't be freaked out, it's not as bad as what I told you here :p I'm exaggerating it a little bit HAHAHA. But at least now you have the image of how the situation is, don't you?
I got inspired by @Ivantangkulung. It all starts because I wrote "reviewing B. Indo, again. Making sure I get perfect score :D MUSTTT" on twitter yesterday, and he replied, "anak plus ya gitu... wakakakakak" FYI, he's a 'plus' class student too. He is 2 years older than me, and he is in X-5.
Maybe that's all for today. Religion test tomorrow. Wish me luck guys! :D
Buh-bye! ;)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Kronologi Kisah nyanyuk Sharifah Mariam
Sharifah Mariam hari ini merupakan hari yg menakutkan.. aku terlupa aku letak kunci store atas boot krete.. lps tu bwk krete smpai slayang mall... nasib baik kunci tk jatuh... fuhh.. kalu tk abis la... huhuhu
Kamilia Sharir: kau memang!!bawak kreta pon salah lane!!BHAYA=/
Aziah Sulaiman :Mayam mmg budk yg sgt nyany0k,haha [via Celcom SMS]
Sharifah Mariam: aku blaja dari pengalamn... bkn mcm ko... tk penah blaja.. hahaha (mayam)
cammy,betoi3!!!!!aku ingt dh smpai ajal aku...
ngeri kowt,,,but klakar pown de gak....hakhak.... (sarah)
Kamilia Sharir :tu laaa pasal...dah la tak sampai 2 minggu nak spm time tuh..kalau tak...tak dpt la aku
nak meneruskan cita2 aku jd geologist...huhu=/ dah kembali ke bumi dah...
Thelava Tsugu: mariam...park kreta lupa kuncikan dah bawak lari kreta tuh, lepas 4 tahun baru la "eh eh....kreta dah hilang..
.Kamilia Sharir :mayam mmg!!!mule lupe kunci kreta..pastuh bawak kreta in wrong lane pastuh letak kunci store atas kreta =.=!!kronology kisah nyanyuk mariam...
Thelava Tsugu: HAHA Kamie...betoi!!!
.Kamilia Sharir: see my wall!!!hahaha=P
Sarah Syahida: haha!!!!mayam mmg cepat lupa..nnti klu die g kuar ngan ank dier..ank2 dier gak dier lupa...hakhak..penyakit merbahaya...
.Kamilia Sharir: sarah...tgk page aku!!
Thelava Tsugu: "cik mariam, nih..ank2 kamu?"
"entahla....rasanyer kowt..."
.Sarah Syahida: cammy:wokey cyang!!
lava:x de nyer kowt2 dh....
Kamilia Sharir :culik bawak pergi siam!!
Thelava Tsugu: culik bawak pegi siam masak tom yam khung!!! restaurant kat asoke!!
· .Kamilia Sharir :fffuhhhhh...sedaaaapppp!!!ahakxxx...
Thelava Tsugu: sedap hingga menjilat jari!!
· .Kamilia Sharir :jari kaki!!hahahaha...beli lah kasut kat BATA
Sarah Syahida :jari kaki ko bergerutu...nk jilat kew!!!hakhak...
.Kamilia Sharir "yg itu lah lemak....wahahahaha...eeewww
Sarah Syahida" lemak tepu!!!!geli aku...hakhak....
Kamilia Sharir & Thelava Tsugu sedang melayari kronologi kisah nyanyuk Sharifah Mariam =/
Thelava Tsugu :Spesis kajian, iaitu mariam didapati sedang melalui fasa kenyanyukan yg melampaui batas!!
· .Kamilia Sharir :tahu tak pe...=/ sedih!!dia tuh kwn kite...takut berjangkit pulak..
.Kamilia Sharir: 1. lupe kunci kereta
2.bawa kereta in wrong lane
3. letak kunci store atas kereta
4. lupe anak letak kat mana =/ ........
sah!!kwn baik aku nyanyuk......sian...
.Sarah Syahida: hakhak...cian kt spupu aku sowng 2...penyakit dier thap kritikal dh nie...cell2 sume mula mgurang...jd marilh mnum susu enfagrow!!!!!hakhak...
Kamilia Sharir :dia dah terlebih GROW!!!wahahahaha....
Sarah Syahida: hakhak...2 msalah dier..aku x nk msuk campo...ko plak x grow2....huhu....
.Kamilia Sharir: sial kau!!!ahakzxxx....org2 terlebih grow cepat nyanyuk...sbb tuh aku tanak grow =)
.Sarah Syahida :hakhak...klu org cm ko plak org yg cepat sesat2....
x nmpak jlan......coz 2 ko sesat...hakhak...(sarah)
sengal ko cammy.. nnt sku jmpe ko.. sku nk pow ko cukp2.. huh!! (mariam)
Kamilia Sharir: i back ur pardon???????wahahahahaha LALALALa
Kamilia Sharir: kau memang!!bawak kreta pon salah lane!!BHAYA=/
Aziah Sulaiman :Mayam mmg budk yg sgt nyany0k,haha [via Celcom SMS]
Sharifah Mariam: aku blaja dari pengalamn... bkn mcm ko... tk penah blaja.. hahaha (mayam)
cammy,betoi3!!!!!aku ingt dh smpai ajal aku...
ngeri kowt,,,but klakar pown de gak....hakhak.... (sarah)
Kamilia Sharir :tu laaa pasal...dah la tak sampai 2 minggu nak spm time tuh..kalau tak...tak dpt la aku
nak meneruskan cita2 aku jd geologist...huhu=/ dah kembali ke bumi dah...
Thelava Tsugu: mariam...park kreta lupa kuncikan dah bawak lari kreta tuh, lepas 4 tahun baru la "eh eh....kreta dah hilang..
.Kamilia Sharir :mayam mmg!!!mule lupe kunci kreta..pastuh bawak kreta in wrong lane pastuh letak kunci store atas kreta =.=!!kronology kisah nyanyuk mariam...
Thelava Tsugu: HAHA Kamie...betoi!!!
.Kamilia Sharir: see my wall!!!hahaha=P
Sarah Syahida: haha!!!!mayam mmg cepat lupa..nnti klu die g kuar ngan ank dier..ank2 dier gak dier lupa...hakhak..penyakit merbahaya...
.Kamilia Sharir: sarah...tgk page aku!!
Thelava Tsugu: "cik mariam, nih..ank2 kamu?"
"entahla....rasanyer kowt..."
.Sarah Syahida: cammy:wokey cyang!!
lava:x de nyer kowt2 dh....
Kamilia Sharir :culik bawak pergi siam!!
Thelava Tsugu: culik bawak pegi siam masak tom yam khung!!! restaurant kat asoke!!
· .Kamilia Sharir :fffuhhhhh...sedaaaapppp!!!ahakxxx...
Thelava Tsugu: sedap hingga menjilat jari!!
· .Kamilia Sharir :jari kaki!!hahahaha...beli lah kasut kat BATA
Sarah Syahida :jari kaki ko bergerutu...nk jilat kew!!!hakhak...
.Kamilia Sharir "yg itu lah lemak....wahahahaha...eeewww
Sarah Syahida" lemak tepu!!!!geli aku...hakhak....
Kamilia Sharir & Thelava Tsugu sedang melayari kronologi kisah nyanyuk Sharifah Mariam =/
Thelava Tsugu :Spesis kajian, iaitu mariam didapati sedang melalui fasa kenyanyukan yg melampaui batas!!
· .Kamilia Sharir :tahu tak pe...=/ sedih!!dia tuh kwn kite...takut berjangkit pulak..
.Kamilia Sharir: 1. lupe kunci kereta
2.bawa kereta in wrong lane
3. letak kunci store atas kereta
4. lupe anak letak kat mana =/ ........
sah!!kwn baik aku nyanyuk......sian...
.Sarah Syahida: hakhak...cian kt spupu aku sowng 2...penyakit dier thap kritikal dh nie...cell2 sume mula mgurang...jd marilh mnum susu enfagrow!!!!!hakhak...
Kamilia Sharir :dia dah terlebih GROW!!!wahahahaha....
Sarah Syahida: hakhak...2 msalah dier..aku x nk msuk campo...ko plak x grow2....huhu....
.Kamilia Sharir: sial kau!!!ahakzxxx....org2 terlebih grow cepat nyanyuk...sbb tuh aku tanak grow =)
.Sarah Syahida :hakhak...klu org cm ko plak org yg cepat sesat2....
x nmpak jlan......coz 2 ko sesat...hakhak...(sarah)
sengal ko cammy.. nnt sku jmpe ko.. sku nk pow ko cukp2.. huh!! (mariam)
Kamilia Sharir: i back ur pardon???????wahahahahaha LALALALa
As you guys know, I've been watching HELLO BABY SEASON 2 (SHINee's) for quite a long time. Blame on my internet connection! :( I just wanna share the last episode of them being together. When the baby, Yoogeun, knows that they are going to separate, he cried. It was just so touching. None of them aren't crying. They all are. Like I said before, it's just so touching. They've been together for quite a time, and suddenly they have to go on with their own life just like before :'(
Anyway, have you guys heard of GLEE? I bet you have. It's such a good comedy-drama television series, right? I really love it, and I can't wait to watch more of them GAAHHH :D their voices are such WOWs, I want their voices aaaaa.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
The song used is...
Anyway, have you guys heard of GLEE? I bet you have. It's such a good comedy-drama television series, right? I really love it, and I can't wait to watch more of them GAAHHH :D their voices are such WOWs, I want their voices aaaaa.
talithayohana :)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Happy Sunday peeps :) so do you guys have a great day today? I think so, it's Sunday, have fun! :D as you know I'm a Christian so I do go to church every Sunday. I love today's preach, let me share a little bit from what I got.
"God never asks something you're not able to do, He asks something from what you can do and He really appreciate it especially when it comes from the bottom of your heart."
There are a lot of examples about it in the bible, I'll just pick one. God prefer the widow's dedication to a rich man's. It's because the widow give from what she have, even though the amount is little. And God appreciates it, He really does. For a widow, maybe she can buy some food from that money, but on the other side, she give it away.
God doesn't want everything from us, He only hope for one thing, our heart for Him. If you got talent in something or you can do something good, praise the Lord with it. Give from something you have been given. Each of us has something to be known about, there are no one that doesn't got anything to be given to the one who created him/her. God is fair, it's just the case that you haven't found something you're good at. But as long as you keep on searching, you'll found it.
With love ♥
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
"God never asks something you're not able to do, He asks something from what you can do and He really appreciate it especially when it comes from the bottom of your heart."
There are a lot of examples about it in the bible, I'll just pick one. God prefer the widow's dedication to a rich man's. It's because the widow give from what she have, even though the amount is little. And God appreciates it, He really does. For a widow, maybe she can buy some food from that money, but on the other side, she give it away.
God doesn't want everything from us, He only hope for one thing, our heart for Him. If you got talent in something or you can do something good, praise the Lord with it. Give from something you have been given. Each of us has something to be known about, there are no one that doesn't got anything to be given to the one who created him/her. God is fair, it's just the case that you haven't found something you're good at. But as long as you keep on searching, you'll found it.
With love ♥
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
Romans 8: 28
Suddenly, this mood to blog just popped out unwanted, just want to share some stuff about me. Here it goes...
All this time, yes, I do read bible, as in almost everyday, BUT I kind of feel bored and this and that. I know I'm not a good kid, sometimes I go wild (hehe!), and sometimes I couldn't control ME. I do it as if I MUST, which I know it shouldn't be a force, rather than a feeling of wanting Him more and more. Okay, back in line. As if I finish reading it, no it's not even reading, it's fast reading, I got nothing I've learned AT ALL. It's better to not do it from the first if it end up like this.
And for me doing good things is not going to save you, not going to lead You to heaven. It doesn't counts. You know why? The mistakes, sins we've made it's not going to erase because of the good doings. It's the love of one and only person who gave His life. So, why should I be good to someone "more" than me, but not be good to someone who is "MOST" in everything? Get what I mean? To make it simpler, example. If one day, President decided to go to your house to have dinner. Wouldn't you prepare everything in 5-stars-quality? Wouldn't give everything in a BEST way? Of course you will, 'cause you'll maybe not have another pleasure. But look here, who are we dealing with? It's not President, it's not King, it's not the richest man on Earth. It's THE MOST PERFECT PERSON/GOD/KING/FRIEND. Will you give anything ordinary to someone like that? Of course NO.
I'm just glad I figure it out fast :) and realize that it's not too late to change. And the sentence up there, means a lot to me, especially in my situation right now. LOVE HIM, if you do, you'll give everything to Him, your life, your voice, your jump, your everything, 'cause it's the only thing we could give for someone like Him. There's none like Him.
God never gives us trouble, we're the one who 'cause trouble. He has warn us before, and we're the one who doesn't listen. But keep in mind that every single little thing happening to you right now, it's under His control and He'll never leave you.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Well, I'm just going to show this video, and that's all :) what a short post, sorry for that. Do you know Lady Gaga's song "Just Dance"? Then, this one is the version of SHINee's. I found out that it is actually very good.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
talithayohana :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sometimes, I keep asking to myself, "Are my dreams too high? Are my expectations beyond what I could do?" I keep on worryring about how my future will look like. I know and believe that the future is not for us to see and say, but it's just that I want to know it really bad that I can't control sometimes. I found out that I'm not a genius in this focus of mine, but I love to do it. Perhaps exercises will help. I don't want my dreams to stay as dreams forever. I want it to grow like seeds, growing fruitfully, growing lots of juicy fruits.
I am just so curious and I can't deny this feeling. It seems that I care about my future so much, ey? But who cares? I mean, who doesn't care or even bother to think what they gonna do in the future? A person like that is a person who can't appreciate life, they never realize the opportunity given, no matter how big that chance is.
God, I want to be as what I told You in my prayers everyday, every night. I want it to come true, as in reality. Even though it'll take risks, as I believe Your love will guide me in going through every life's obstacles, I'll be able to pass through it. I'll keep that in mind :)
I am just so curious and I can't deny this feeling. It seems that I care about my future so much, ey? But who cares? I mean, who doesn't care or even bother to think what they gonna do in the future? A person like that is a person who can't appreciate life, they never realize the opportunity given, no matter how big that chance is.
God, I want to be as what I told You in my prayers everyday, every night. I want it to come true, as in reality. Even though it'll take risks, as I believe Your love will guide me in going through every life's obstacles, I'll be able to pass through it. I'll keep that in mind :)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey everyoneee! :) I want to tell you that I'm just so addicted to Onew :D I love his angelic voice, the soothing sound of the piano he plays, and his clumsy act! HAHAHA, he's such a cute person, more than that he's such a genius. He got 2nd rank in high school (maybe) out of the whole school, without any tutor. His English is good and he speaks Chinese well. Hell to the yeah, he once fainted in a show, and perhaps he's just to busy of his schedule. And there tons of his humorous acts. He love jokes and to joke. Maybe this is one of the reason why his face is considered cute for a 22nd.
Hello Baby, a show which celebrities are asked to take care of a baby, he and his group are asked to take care of a cute baby boy named Yoogeun (4 years old). YOU KNOW WHAT, he's afraid of babies, they are just like positive and negative poles that will never be together. He said that babies are hard rivals :p but it doesn't mean he dislikes babies, he wishes to get closer to Yoogeun. As time goes by, he tries to adapt with it.
Real Name : Lee Jinki
Position: Leader, Lead Vocal
Stage Name: ONEW
In Korean :온유
In Chinese : 温流 (WenLiu)
Birthday: 1989.12.14
Height : 177 cm
Bloodtype : O
Interest/Speciality : Singing , Piano, Soccer, Basketball
Random Facts : Likes Sundubu (a type of tofu) : Known for his bright cheery smile ♥
Some of his videos. Random ones :) some are ROFLMAO-ing, and some are WOW-ing. Hey, this is only some, not all. HAHAHA
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
We may love the wrong person,
cry for the wrong reason,
but one thing is sure,
mistakes help us to find the right person.
talithayohana :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Mangsa ragut di tengah-tengah padang
KUALA LUMPUR 13 Dis - Seperti kelazimannya, sebilah rumput bertumbuh seawal pagi menghala ke arah sinaran cahaya matahari pagi. Pagi semalam, rumput tersebut bersantai melambai-lambai badannya di padang mainan Taman Peranin di Kilometer 5.6 seperti mana rumput-rumput yang lain.
Namun, tindakan rumput tersebut bertukar menjadi mimpi ngeri buatnya apabila rakan rumput sebelahnya diragut oleh seekor kambing berwarna coklat dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 5.45 pagi ini.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Atol, Supritendan Kamilia Shahrir berkata, ketika tiba di padang rumput tersebut, rakan serumput yang berusia 1 hari itu menyedari terdapat 4 ekor kambing di kawasan itu.
Katanya, selepas selasai menikmati sinaran matahari pagi itu , mangsa berasa curiga dan takut diapa-apakan oleh sekumpulan kambing terbabit.
"Sewaktu rakan saya menikmati sinaran matahari dan angin yang meniup pada pagi itu,salah seorang daripada suspek meragut badan rakan saya dan mengunyah dia sampai hancur serta ditelan habis sebelum melarikan diri" katanya ketika ditemui semalam.
Tambah Kamie, mangsa ketika ini sudah melalui proses pencernaan yang ekstrem dan melampau dan pihaknya kini sedang berusaha mengesan suspek berdasarkan bentuk dan lengkukan kedua-dua tanduk suspek serta janggutnya.
Namun, tindakan rumput tersebut bertukar menjadi mimpi ngeri buatnya apabila rakan rumput sebelahnya diragut oleh seekor kambing berwarna coklat dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 5.45 pagi ini.
Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Atol, Supritendan Kamilia Shahrir berkata, ketika tiba di padang rumput tersebut, rakan serumput yang berusia 1 hari itu menyedari terdapat 4 ekor kambing di kawasan itu.
Katanya, selepas selasai menikmati sinaran matahari pagi itu , mangsa berasa curiga dan takut diapa-apakan oleh sekumpulan kambing terbabit.
"Sewaktu rakan saya menikmati sinaran matahari dan angin yang meniup pada pagi itu,salah seorang daripada suspek meragut badan rakan saya dan mengunyah dia sampai hancur serta ditelan habis sebelum melarikan diri" katanya ketika ditemui semalam.
Tambah Kamie, mangsa ketika ini sudah melalui proses pencernaan yang ekstrem dan melampau dan pihaknya kini sedang berusaha mengesan suspek berdasarkan bentuk dan lengkukan kedua-dua tanduk suspek serta janggutnya.
I'm feeling this feeling again. I feel that my friends are all dumping me to trash bin. I can't express it in any other way except to write a post here. And I'm thankful to know that not much know this blog, and for those who knew, don't spill out my dirty little secrets. :p HAHA it's neither dirty nor secrets anyway.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Perhaps I shouldn't care about people who don't care about me. But I don't want to be as selfish as that, it's just that it's not fair for me either :'( AIHHH I don't know how to express it. I'm like the last people to know what happen, even though it involves me. I'll be the one to no be asked, or things like that. Maybe I fail as a friend. They should tell me if they dislike me. Please do something about it. I'm not going to die without you guys anyway, so maybe you guys can tell me what you feel then I know what to do. Since you kept quiet, I'm jumping around to know what's going on.
Reason why I could stumbled on the internet for hours without winking once? Because friends there are surprisingly better than the real ones. Confusing? Yea, it's what I'm feeling. But I felt better this way.
I'm fine? No, I'm not. NOT AT ALL.
"God answers prayers in a way He knows what you truly deserve."
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
IT'S SUCH A HARD WORK FOR ME TO FINALLY POST SOMETHING HERE. Oh gosh! The internet is driving me crazy :( as slow as turtle, no, slower!
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
I burst into tears to remember His sacrifices 2000 years ago. There's no love bigger than a person who gives His life to save people. It's still logical if it's the good guy He save, but in reality He save both good and bad person. I'm thankful to Him and I always am. Some shoot of the KKR held in Stadion Kebun Bunga, Jln. Candi Borobudur, Medan. Not going to post any photos as the internet is not supporting. Sigh :(
I wish to change this turtlish modem. Turtlish? New word, yippie! WOOOT! BYEEE. Going to post soon if the internet is faster (;
"Even if I search the world, there's still no bigger love than Yours."
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
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