Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Copyright of TheLaVa 2345
All rights reserved
The right of TheLaVa to be identified as the author of these works has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 2336
First published on Planet Earth in 2345 by KUNDEJEM
An imprint of the Semangat Publishing Group Semangat House, 5 sc 1, Kampung Semangat, Planet Earth.
A CIP catalogue record for this stories is available from the author's brain.
The Semangat Publishing Group's policy is to use brains cells that are natural, can be kept in a jar and actually works, and made of neurones grown in sustainable bodies. The extraction of ideas from each brain cells are expected to be conform to the brain wave activities regulations of the brain of origin.

Monday, September 27, 2010
Adolescent Brain Development

Adolescents is a transitional period of life as child becomes an adult. During this time one endures changes of emotions, hormones, judgment, identity and the physical body which all have significant impact. How relevant is the development of the brain?
The brain changes significantly in adolescents. According to scientists research their brains are less developed then previously thought. For example, the frontal lobe undergoes the most change and is the last part of the brain to develop. The frontal lobe is the most significant development in the brain because it allows one to prioritize thoughts, imagine, abstract thinking, anticipate consequences, plan, and control impulses.
Could this help answer why teens act the way they do? The frontal lobe is responsible for organization, planning, and strategizing which is not fully developed in the brain. Would it be unfair to expect adolescents to have adult levels of organization skills, or decision making before their brain is fully developed? The underdeveloped frontal lobe causes adolescents to react with gut instinct rather than with reasoning. This continues well into adulthood until one responds in a more mature manner. Furthermore, the frontal lobe is responsible for the region of the brain that controls aggression and other impulses. If one has not fully matured prior to adulthood, then it may be unreasonable to expect a mature thought process displayed in adults.

Restrictions on adolescents limit their privileges such as, the legal age to drive, drink, vote, marry, and enter into contracts. Adolescents is a significant transitional period which they are subjected to limitations in judgment and maturity. There is a direct correlation with juvenile delinquency because one has difficulty making mature decisions and an understanding of the consequences of their actions due to an under developed frontal lobe. In contrast, this should not excuse adolescents from punishments from violent crime but it lessens their responsibility.
Links of Interest:1. Secrets of The Teen Brain
2. Adolescent Brain
3. Alcohol And Adolescent Brain Development
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Your mission over the bank holiday weekend...
... should you choose to accept it, is to vote me for in The Queen Of Teen Awards. Closing date is 31st August, so step to it, dear readers.I'm heading off to Edinburgh to do an event with Cathy Forde on Monday on how we use music as part of our writing process. I'll be posting our setlist (man, like, we're in a band or something) on Spotify once the event is done. EDITED TO ADD: Here is the
book news,
you don't have to say you love me
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Happy birthday to my little sister, Edith Dorothy. She's 6 now :) not to be left out, happy birthday Indonesia! Smoga rate korupsi dikurangin yaaa ;) lol hahaha.
Well, we went out to Sushi Tei for lunch with my cousin and met William Zhang, Lora, and Yvonne. I ate a lot, like seriously. Must have gained a lot of weight this month :( sigh. Then, continues to grandma's friends' house to celebrate my sister's birthday.
Today have been awesome thoroughly. But still, I got one thing to worry on, MY PHYSICS TEST! Wish me luck ;)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Last Thursday and Friday was Army of God :) well, I'm really blessed, personally. I was in choir service for the two days. Guess what, make up gue parah bet, tebel banget! Tapi yaaa, untuk Tuhan, apa sih yang kagak? Weheeeee ♥
It was raining, yet we, the army of God, were still jumping, shouting, and praising Him. I'm glad that the enthusiasm and spirit were still on! :D and I believe it rained for a specific awesome reason. The situation differentiate us from any other crucade which is GUH-REAT! On the first day, the opening was cancelled due to the rain that pours down suddenly. It was postponed to day 2. Overall, the opening result does pay off. It worth the one-week-hectic-pain hahaha!
There were Ps. Philip Mantofa, Ps. Jaeson Ma (USA), Ps. Yosep Moro Wijaya, Vanness Wu (Taiwan), Ari Wibowo, and Zack Lee. I'm really blessed with Ari Wibowo, Vanness Wu, and Zack Lee's testimonial. Testimonial Ari Wibowo ngomong tentang gimana dia berubah dari dulu yang ngga bener sampe dia kenal Tuhan. Juga sebab kenapa dia ngga main sinetron laga lagi. KALO DI ALKITAB, "DITAMPAR PIPI KIRI, BERILAH PIPI KANAN", KALO DI SINETRON LAGA, "DITAMPAR PIPI KIRI, TENDANG PIPI KANAN". And yea, kalo dipikir-pikir, bener juga sih hehehe. Kalo yang Vanness Wu ngomong tentang kejadian 2008 dimana dia kenal Tuhan, dari yang dulu nya bersama dunia artis yang sangat terbiasa dengan kata SEX. Ya gue pengen terang-terangan ngomong "GOD IS MORE THAN SEX." That's what's written on Vanness Wu's team tee. Vanness Wu waktu ketemu Jaeson Ma tahun 2008, dia ditantang untuk berkomitmen tidak ngelakuin itu selama 1 tahun, dan tiap hari doa nya "God, do you really not want me to have sex? God, do you really not want me to have sex? God, do you really not want me to have sex?" He kept on repeating it. Itu ngga gampang loh, apalagi kiri-kanan dia alias kondisi itu sangat sulit dimana artis-artis yang lain pada ngelakuin free sex. Yaaah ngga usah jauh-jauh, contoh nya aja Ariel Peterpan --' nah kalo Zack Lee beda lagi. Dia ngomongin tentang dia berubah dari yang broken-home ancor lebor, sampai bisa seperti sekarang. Dulu, bokap nyokap dia cerai. Dia ikut bokap. Nah, bokap nya kan kerja tuh, jadi ngga punya banyak waktu untuk ngawasin anak-anak nya. That's why, Zack Lee familiar dengan yang nama nya narkoba, ganja, minuman keras, judi, pokok nya komplit deh. Dan ternyata, nyokap nya juga pemakai kelas berat. Di saat dia dititipin ke nyokap nya lagi waktu remaja *gue lupa umur nya*, makin parah dong. Tiap hari berdua makai obat-obat gituan. Pokok nya dari A sampai Z, tau semua. Tapi gara-gara dia ketemu Nafa Urbach, dia berubah agama nya. Dari dulu yang ga jelas agama nya, akhir nya punya agama. Eitsss, tapi dia kristen bukan karena dia mau, tapi gara-gara nya kan susah tuh kalo minta restu ngga seiman HAHAHA, tp kan emang everything happens for a reason, nyoba-nyoba malah jadi kristen beneran. He never regrets kalo fakta nya dia pernah seperti itu, karena dia ada bahan kesaksian untuk diberitakan ke orang-orang which is good :)
So see, semua testimonial mempunyai pesan masing-masing. Tapi ga tau kenapa yang paling KENA itu testimonial Zack Lee (y) well, that's it. Besok sekolah coyyy! Nope, tapi upacara. Goodnight! xx
Sealed with a smile,
It was raining, yet we, the army of God, were still jumping, shouting, and praising Him. I'm glad that the enthusiasm and spirit were still on! :D and I believe it rained for a specific awesome reason. The situation differentiate us from any other crucade which is GUH-REAT! On the first day, the opening was cancelled due to the rain that pours down suddenly. It was postponed to day 2. Overall, the opening result does pay off. It worth the one-week-hectic-pain hahaha!
There were Ps. Philip Mantofa, Ps. Jaeson Ma (USA), Ps. Yosep Moro Wijaya, Vanness Wu (Taiwan), Ari Wibowo, and Zack Lee. I'm really blessed with Ari Wibowo, Vanness Wu, and Zack Lee's testimonial. Testimonial Ari Wibowo ngomong tentang gimana dia berubah dari dulu yang ngga bener sampe dia kenal Tuhan. Juga sebab kenapa dia ngga main sinetron laga lagi. KALO DI ALKITAB, "DITAMPAR PIPI KIRI, BERILAH PIPI KANAN", KALO DI SINETRON LAGA, "DITAMPAR PIPI KIRI, TENDANG PIPI KANAN". And yea, kalo dipikir-pikir, bener juga sih hehehe. Kalo yang Vanness Wu ngomong tentang kejadian 2008 dimana dia kenal Tuhan, dari yang dulu nya bersama dunia artis yang sangat terbiasa dengan kata SEX. Ya gue pengen terang-terangan ngomong "GOD IS MORE THAN SEX." That's what's written on Vanness Wu's team tee. Vanness Wu waktu ketemu Jaeson Ma tahun 2008, dia ditantang untuk berkomitmen tidak ngelakuin itu selama 1 tahun, dan tiap hari doa nya "God, do you really not want me to have sex? God, do you really not want me to have sex? God, do you really not want me to have sex?" He kept on repeating it. Itu ngga gampang loh, apalagi kiri-kanan dia alias kondisi itu sangat sulit dimana artis-artis yang lain pada ngelakuin free sex. Yaaah ngga usah jauh-jauh, contoh nya aja Ariel Peterpan --' nah kalo Zack Lee beda lagi. Dia ngomongin tentang dia berubah dari yang broken-home ancor lebor, sampai bisa seperti sekarang. Dulu, bokap nyokap dia cerai. Dia ikut bokap. Nah, bokap nya kan kerja tuh, jadi ngga punya banyak waktu untuk ngawasin anak-anak nya. That's why, Zack Lee familiar dengan yang nama nya narkoba, ganja, minuman keras, judi, pokok nya komplit deh. Dan ternyata, nyokap nya juga pemakai kelas berat. Di saat dia dititipin ke nyokap nya lagi waktu remaja *gue lupa umur nya*, makin parah dong. Tiap hari berdua makai obat-obat gituan. Pokok nya dari A sampai Z, tau semua. Tapi gara-gara dia ketemu Nafa Urbach, dia berubah agama nya. Dari dulu yang ga jelas agama nya, akhir nya punya agama. Eitsss, tapi dia kristen bukan karena dia mau, tapi gara-gara nya kan susah tuh kalo minta restu ngga seiman HAHAHA, tp kan emang everything happens for a reason, nyoba-nyoba malah jadi kristen beneran. He never regrets kalo fakta nya dia pernah seperti itu, karena dia ada bahan kesaksian untuk diberitakan ke orang-orang which is good :)
So see, semua testimonial mempunyai pesan masing-masing. Tapi ga tau kenapa yang paling KENA itu testimonial Zack Lee (y) well, that's it. Besok sekolah coyyy! Nope, tapi upacara. Goodnight! xx
Sealed with a smile,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Yayyy I've finally met Ricky and Alvin! Today was awesome except for the fact that I didn't attend church today :( so here it goes...
Today was quite tiring, seriously. Dari pagi sampe malem bareng 5 others. Ricky, Alvin, Andy, Stefen, and Defris. Well, the participants too :) was having Graduates Gathering at Piaget. We, the coaches, were supposed to be there at 11, but I couldn't be there before 12.30 because of the rehearsal at Kalingga.
Before Ricky and Alvin's flight to Jakarta, we went to Selat Panjang for dinner :D and... whoopsie oopsie Alvin! Sorryyy :( didn't told him earlier that the bihun goreng, bak pau, bihun bebek, bubur ayam are yummy. HAHAHA and now he's blamming me for just letting him know that the hokkien noodle is delicious and that he only taste the hokkien noodle :p
So, safe flight guys! ;) they're boarding now and thank God it's not raining anymore since Ricky was really scared of what happened during his flight from Singapore to Jakarta :D mwahahahabooha!
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Today was quite tiring, seriously. Dari pagi sampe malem bareng 5 others. Ricky, Alvin, Andy, Stefen, and Defris. Well, the participants too :) was having Graduates Gathering at Piaget. We, the coaches, were supposed to be there at 11, but I couldn't be there before 12.30 because of the rehearsal at Kalingga.
Before Ricky and Alvin's flight to Jakarta, we went to Selat Panjang for dinner :D and... whoopsie oopsie Alvin! Sorryyy :( didn't told him earlier that the bihun goreng, bak pau, bihun bebek, bubur ayam are yummy. HAHAHA and now he's blamming me for just letting him know that the hokkien noodle is delicious and that he only taste the hokkien noodle :p
So, safe flight guys! ;) they're boarding now and thank God it's not raining anymore since Ricky was really scared of what happened during his flight from Singapore to Jakarta :D mwahahahabooha!
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Screw the peril-ness of literature
As I moved on into the world of writing, I realised writers have the least freedom, when writing itself is the only way to convey freedom. And those writing in such manner that they would predict the day they would die with a bullet in their heads? How useful you are as a writer to the community, how educated we seemed to people, and how educated people seemed to criticised us to the core is the fundamental base to publishing your thoughts to the world. Never obey a crooked instinct, and I’ve learned it the hard way.
Bulldrop this thought. I lived in an eggy fairytale world. My freedom is beyond the capability of the maximum angle literature can bend.
Words were once thought to be a conveyer, but with added flowers and spices and a little bit of cheese, it shows that cows in the fields are the Swiss army knives of the farm.
Those taking it to a higher level? Printed names?
We can’t tell you exactly what the future holds-only prophets or madmen truly know the future, and we authors are overqualified for one of those positions and under qualified for the other. So, we place our reputation in a certain amount of peril, making moderately educated guesses about the biology, physics, chemistry, art and medicine of tomorrow. We did this for two reasons: someone had to, and we needed the money.
But do take note that we can express our discomfort and unhappiness about ancient predictions and whatever has become of today.
Long time ago, we used to have bulls pulling our carts, then we rides horses, and to think that after all the technological advances we’ve achieved, we designed polluting mobile machines that would certainly give mechanical problems to your physics teacher, making him attending class late because of his frequent visits to the workshop when we could have our carts pulled by giant genetically engineered lobsters instead...
“See what I mean?”
Bulldrop this thought. I lived in an eggy fairytale world. My freedom is beyond the capability of the maximum angle literature can bend.
Words were once thought to be a conveyer, but with added flowers and spices and a little bit of cheese, it shows that cows in the fields are the Swiss army knives of the farm.
Those taking it to a higher level? Printed names?
We can’t tell you exactly what the future holds-only prophets or madmen truly know the future, and we authors are overqualified for one of those positions and under qualified for the other. So, we place our reputation in a certain amount of peril, making moderately educated guesses about the biology, physics, chemistry, art and medicine of tomorrow. We did this for two reasons: someone had to, and we needed the money.
But do take note that we can express our discomfort and unhappiness about ancient predictions and whatever has become of today.
Long time ago, we used to have bulls pulling our carts, then we rides horses, and to think that after all the technological advances we’ve achieved, we designed polluting mobile machines that would certainly give mechanical problems to your physics teacher, making him attending class late because of his frequent visits to the workshop when we could have our carts pulled by giant genetically engineered lobsters instead...
“See what I mean?”
Monday, August 2, 2010
Was browsing... and found this ;) it's really prettayeee! :D weheeeee!

Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)

Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010
So yea, it's the first day of August. But somehow, the first day of the month isn't that good, I lost my voice. Gaaah. So, my service is at 2 pm, and my voice isn't getting better at all. *sigh*
Jadi gini nih, kemaren itu poksar, and I was really blessed. I'm glad to have such great leaders who supports me most of the time. There are many of them, none of them are rude to me. That's all deh kalo mau ngomongin tentang kemaren ga akan ada habis-habis nya.
My dad went back from Hongkong at 10 pm yesterday. Well, he's getting fatter I supposed :s oh geez! Hahaha so mom will leave for Penang tomorrow, best wishes to her.
Not much, ey? Yea. Btw, my Grade 9 life isn't that good. The teachers are worse than last year's.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Jadi gini nih, kemaren itu poksar, and I was really blessed. I'm glad to have such great leaders who supports me most of the time. There are many of them, none of them are rude to me. That's all deh kalo mau ngomongin tentang kemaren ga akan ada habis-habis nya.
My dad went back from Hongkong at 10 pm yesterday. Well, he's getting fatter I supposed :s oh geez! Hahaha so mom will leave for Penang tomorrow, best wishes to her.
Not much, ey? Yea. Btw, my Grade 9 life isn't that good. The teachers are worse than last year's.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
It's Lava Bieber's Birthday
Those who kenal me lama, u know i takkan leave without my loooong speech yg korang menyampah tuh...
besides, banyak sangat la nak reply, and fb memang bagos untuk kesihatan...
so, biar i mule..eherrmmm...
I thought friday night mesti boring giler, or just an ordinary night kerh, or something...So, I keluar with Dharsh lepas class to go and get mask merepek tuh kat mid valley. So yea, my bday, takde la important sangat, cant wait to balik and tidur...balik,washed up, take train yang memang bagos untuk kesihatan tuh to college and change and all. Memang fun la after jumpe u all there. Then the event start, fun pulak. Everyone was lyk cantik giler, raining pon i tak kisah...makan pon ok,Fern and wormy was there,OMG!!Mr.Mohan came as college boy, ape entah.. Daniel serious handsome giler!! pheeewiiitt...whoops!! WAKAKAKAKAKA..lawls...memang macam orang asli la we all after that. Then Jules have to balik, and so I hugged him goodbye, then he pegang2 my mask, I bukak the mask and was lyk "hi" and inside i was lyk "ape pegang2 nih? FAG"...then...then...THEN!!...then everything went quiet, serious giler quiet...LAWLS!! Julian's kiss memang caused a riot :P, balik rumah, I gelak macam nak mampos!! XD...Then, approaching pukol 12 malam, everyone nak balik, and pritz was lyk "dun!! 1 moar minute"...sanggop u all tunggu bday I eh!! Lawls!! eh wait, Isaac, you left a salt patch on my face and tangan yerh!! :P Ishak, u d best, eventhough u dtg as a chinese hobo...Dharsh, the card memang cun giler!! frame letak kat muzium negara!! WAKAKAKAKA!! Glad the taugeh tak sesat masa balik..msg u all dlm card tuh memang buat I terharu!! huwaaaa!! U guys memang the best, clearly i was super duper aper je lah wrong at first biler i masok methodist, berbulan2 I cari jalan keluar, now, sad pulak to know we all not together for few moar years..takperh, fb penyagak kan ader...
Scienceone 0809
Memang i looking forward untuk berjumpe with all penduduk kampong semangat, dah lame tak hang out with all d kundejems, I thought we all kena ban dari pizza hut!! LAWLS, i pegi there, and hug semuer orang, shag will hug everyone's lungs out. So, we duduk and makan pizza, and criter pasal life kiterorg, update skit, buat flashbacks, theeve is still theeves, the best wife ever, thanks theeve for the present, better than roasted turkeys XD jose planned everything, jose u awesome toothpick,memang seronok I jumpe u all...then, secara ganasnyer, tangan monyet2 antarabangsa u all tutup mata I, and I shouted "stop it!! you're poking justin bieber's eyes!!" and when I bukak mata, ternampak la cake yg awesome, with tulisan "HAPPY OLOOLOOLOOLOOLOO DAY" memang cun u all,especially my loong wish, and how u made me take out candle with my mouth, and bantai kepala i dlm cake tuh, with the presents all coming out of nowhere, tak sangka u all!! U ppl, after 12 tahun la kowt 2gether, made THE LAVA speechless, congrats..I rase kan, every kundejem meeting we have, sure lepas tuh i kena sore throat..no wonder kiterorg kene ban from many places..I MISS YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH, i memang tak nak balik!! stay forever with u all...You all memang made my day, next meeting bagi taw, U guys (opps, sorry syah, girls) memang the best, especially when kamie bagi taw 'secret' tuh, and we all secara 2gether-gether nak belasah that fella, and how ramya masak kong's hair (i miss that so much), with "...nasi lemak *sep sep sep* roti canai..." Scienceone, we rock, semangaaaatttt *hand gesture*
so tuh la criter pasal kawan2 I dlm class, U all, memang tak sangka langsong, thanks, best bday ever...
Kalo i miss out some part of the criter, add kan lah for me yerh,i memang nyanyok...
BERTUAH I DAPAT KAWAN CAM KORANG...huwaaaaa!! sob sob...*hingus*...sayang korang,muahx!
So, since u all kawan2 I, dgn barang2 u all prepare, walaupon tak la important sgt nak celebrate bday I tuh..
Kundejem or not,
I bagi U all...dari pokok kelapa...
SEMANGAAAATTT...*hand gesture* (-.-)
oh ya..n kundejems, i still think plankton's house is missing, and i did hear aisyah said 'chicken and peas in a bowl...'
And title tuh jgn salah faham ok, Im not JB punyer fan!!...ok, I am...yish, dah dah!! diam!!
besides, banyak sangat la nak reply, and fb memang bagos untuk kesihatan...
so, biar i mule..eherrmmm...
I thought friday night mesti boring giler, or just an ordinary night kerh, or something...So, I keluar with Dharsh lepas class to go and get mask merepek tuh kat mid valley. So yea, my bday, takde la important sangat, cant wait to balik and tidur...balik,washed up, take train yang memang bagos untuk kesihatan tuh to college and change and all. Memang fun la after jumpe u all there. Then the event start, fun pulak. Everyone was lyk cantik giler, raining pon i tak kisah...makan pon ok,Fern and wormy was there,OMG!!Mr.Mohan came as college boy, ape entah.. Daniel serious handsome giler!! pheeewiiitt...whoops!! WAKAKAKAKAKA..lawls...memang macam orang asli la we all after that. Then Jules have to balik, and so I hugged him goodbye, then he pegang2 my mask, I bukak the mask and was lyk "hi" and inside i was lyk "ape pegang2 nih? FAG"...then...then...THEN!!...then everything went quiet, serious giler quiet...LAWLS!! Julian's kiss memang caused a riot :P, balik rumah, I gelak macam nak mampos!! XD...Then, approaching pukol 12 malam, everyone nak balik, and pritz was lyk "dun!! 1 moar minute"...sanggop u all tunggu bday I eh!! Lawls!! eh wait, Isaac, you left a salt patch on my face and tangan yerh!! :P Ishak, u d best, eventhough u dtg as a chinese hobo...Dharsh, the card memang cun giler!! frame letak kat muzium negara!! WAKAKAKAKA!! Glad the taugeh tak sesat masa balik..msg u all dlm card tuh memang buat I terharu!! huwaaaa!! U guys memang the best, clearly i was super duper aper je lah wrong at first biler i masok methodist, berbulan2 I cari jalan keluar, now, sad pulak to know we all not together for few moar years..takperh, fb penyagak kan ader...
Scienceone 0809
Memang i looking forward untuk berjumpe with all penduduk kampong semangat, dah lame tak hang out with all d kundejems, I thought we all kena ban dari pizza hut!! LAWLS, i pegi there, and hug semuer orang, shag will hug everyone's lungs out. So, we duduk and makan pizza, and criter pasal life kiterorg, update skit, buat flashbacks, theeve is still theeves, the best wife ever, thanks theeve for the present, better than roasted turkeys XD jose planned everything, jose u awesome toothpick,memang seronok I jumpe u all...then, secara ganasnyer, tangan monyet2 antarabangsa u all tutup mata I, and I shouted "stop it!! you're poking justin bieber's eyes!!" and when I bukak mata, ternampak la cake yg awesome, with tulisan "HAPPY OLOOLOOLOOLOOLOO DAY" memang cun u all,especially my loong wish, and how u made me take out candle with my mouth, and bantai kepala i dlm cake tuh, with the presents all coming out of nowhere, tak sangka u all!! U ppl, after 12 tahun la kowt 2gether, made THE LAVA speechless, congrats..I rase kan, every kundejem meeting we have, sure lepas tuh i kena sore throat..no wonder kiterorg kene ban from many places..I MISS YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH, i memang tak nak balik!! stay forever with u all...You all memang made my day, next meeting bagi taw, U guys (opps, sorry syah, girls) memang the best, especially when kamie bagi taw 'secret' tuh, and we all secara 2gether-gether nak belasah that fella, and how ramya masak kong's hair (i miss that so much), with "...nasi lemak *sep sep sep* roti canai..." Scienceone, we rock, semangaaaatttt *hand gesture*
so tuh la criter pasal kawan2 I dlm class, U all, memang tak sangka langsong, thanks, best bday ever...
Kalo i miss out some part of the criter, add kan lah for me yerh,i memang nyanyok...
BERTUAH I DAPAT KAWAN CAM KORANG...huwaaaaa!! sob sob...*hingus*...sayang korang,muahx!
So, since u all kawan2 I, dgn barang2 u all prepare, walaupon tak la important sgt nak celebrate bday I tuh..
Kundejem or not,
I bagi U all...dari pokok kelapa...
SEMANGAAAATTT...*hand gesture* (-.-)
oh ya..n kundejems, i still think plankton's house is missing, and i did hear aisyah said 'chicken and peas in a bowl...'
And title tuh jgn salah faham ok, Im not JB punyer fan!!...ok, I am...yish, dah dah!! diam!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Hounds on Dark Patch
The sails were hoisted, the crews are all on board, and we set sailing across the dark starry night sky, boarding away through the Martian atmosphere. My dear beloved and most good looking Captain Wright sat on front deck, looking out at the star, turning his head back, giving me a handsome smile. It was cold, and I know he’d come to keep me warm, but he turned back and stood straight by the sudden, appearing there’s something laying there beyond the horizon.
Ever since Earth was abandoned by most of us, she nourished herself, healed by the wonders of nature and the magical creature that once roamed and ruled by her peacefully. Now, returning to Earth after all the technological advances and excitement has been barred by creatures of the olden times. There are the wise ones of the wizards, and sly goblins, civilised elves of the west, sea people of the south, dragons of the north naughty fairies and clumsy Cyclopes. But at the far end of Earth, lie the scar, a patch which Earth could not heal, and an unfair cosmic reminder of her previous children. It was dark, cold, unfertile, unsettled, and unlived.
Wright seemed to forget reality at some point, always do, equationally stirring us starboard towards the patch, landing at the edge of a canyon. Nothing much to see, he just wanted to experience her scar, her pain. But in all darkness life still build its chances, allowed or not. There are creatures living in the dark, and no, they’re not creatures of evil as we would read about or heard about in stories. As far as I know, evil exist most in the light of day, flourish in a most expensive way, looking good at al times, having award winning smiles and an extremely generous amount of social help.
What Captain Wright and I learned on that day was the existence of the Howndders. Oh boy, were they friendly. They are dogs by the way, just a little different. How we felt pity over them, shaking, shivering in hunger and in the cold of the dark night left to scavenge absolutely nothing at all.
Wright threw a sausage over them, as they approach, licking our hands, playing fetch with us. It’s the company they wanted. They are dogs anyways.
What we’ve also learned is that you should not attempt to feed the Howndders, no matter how friendly they are. These friendly creatures tend to follow you where ever you go and they’ll not stop. It was a little sad to leave them as we board our ship, ready for sailing. One got caught up with the ropes. Captain Wright had to shake him off. It was even more sad to hear them howling away, disappearing into the darkness as we continue with our journey on old Earth.
Ever since Earth was abandoned by most of us, she nourished herself, healed by the wonders of nature and the magical creature that once roamed and ruled by her peacefully. Now, returning to Earth after all the technological advances and excitement has been barred by creatures of the olden times. There are the wise ones of the wizards, and sly goblins, civilised elves of the west, sea people of the south, dragons of the north naughty fairies and clumsy Cyclopes. But at the far end of Earth, lie the scar, a patch which Earth could not heal, and an unfair cosmic reminder of her previous children. It was dark, cold, unfertile, unsettled, and unlived.
Wright seemed to forget reality at some point, always do, equationally stirring us starboard towards the patch, landing at the edge of a canyon. Nothing much to see, he just wanted to experience her scar, her pain. But in all darkness life still build its chances, allowed or not. There are creatures living in the dark, and no, they’re not creatures of evil as we would read about or heard about in stories. As far as I know, evil exist most in the light of day, flourish in a most expensive way, looking good at al times, having award winning smiles and an extremely generous amount of social help.
What Captain Wright and I learned on that day was the existence of the Howndders. Oh boy, were they friendly. They are dogs by the way, just a little different. How we felt pity over them, shaking, shivering in hunger and in the cold of the dark night left to scavenge absolutely nothing at all.
Wright threw a sausage over them, as they approach, licking our hands, playing fetch with us. It’s the company they wanted. They are dogs anyways.
What we’ve also learned is that you should not attempt to feed the Howndders, no matter how friendly they are. These friendly creatures tend to follow you where ever you go and they’ll not stop. It was a little sad to leave them as we board our ship, ready for sailing. One got caught up with the ropes. Captain Wright had to shake him off. It was even more sad to hear them howling away, disappearing into the darkness as we continue with our journey on old Earth.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Writing prompt: Goodbye
Type: Poetry
Organizer: Daily Writing Prompt
Or was it hello again?
Why? Is 'bye' good?
Or was it ‘eye’ misspelled
Makes you wonder, No
Makes me wonder
I’m confused.
Goodbye means your ice-cream will taste flat
Or your root beer will delight you
Depending on your ‘goodbye’
Like this ‘goodbye’ for instance,
With 14 hours and 23 minutes left on the countdown,
Made me sleepy, thus indirectly making my peanut butter sandwich tasteless
Or was it directly?
Gosh, I cannot remember…maybe I should ask the sandwich
There you go
I've already said goodbye to the sandwich earlier
In a delicious way
Gosh I’m bored,does this sound like poetry?
Looks like one
If only Microsoft word could speak…
Lava, it suppose to be about goodbyes,
Write Lava, write something
Not much time left.
Talking to myself in poetry…
Is this poetry by the way?
Failing in an enzymatic way
Great, my homework is calling for me.
Type: Poetry
Organizer: Daily Writing Prompt
Or was it hello again?
Why? Is 'bye' good?
Or was it ‘eye’ misspelled
Makes you wonder, No
Makes me wonder
I’m confused.
Goodbye means your ice-cream will taste flat
Or your root beer will delight you
Depending on your ‘goodbye’
Like this ‘goodbye’ for instance,
With 14 hours and 23 minutes left on the countdown,
Made me sleepy, thus indirectly making my peanut butter sandwich tasteless
Or was it directly?
Gosh, I cannot remember…maybe I should ask the sandwich
There you go
I've already said goodbye to the sandwich earlier
In a delicious way
Gosh I’m bored,does this sound like poetry?
Looks like one
If only Microsoft word could speak…
Lava, it suppose to be about goodbyes,
Write Lava, write something
Not much time left.
Talking to myself in poetry…
Is this poetry by the way?
Failing in an enzymatic way
Great, my homework is calling for me.
Friday, July 23, 2010
"If there's no way, make a way." --- Talitha Yohana
Emang hidup susah, tapi lo ga boleh nyerah. Gue sering ngomong gini, bahkan ini udah menjadi cliche di posts gue. Tapi, no matter how many times I've said it, beberapa org masih tetep aja gampang give up. Gue ga nyalain kalo lo gampang nyerah, gue juga kadang2 gitu kok, but I'll make a way to improve myself. Dan yaaa, kadang2 ngga ada jalan, maka nya kita nyerah. Saran gue, KALO GA ADA JALAN, KITA BUAT JALAN SENDIRI. Be creative. Jangan cuma nyari gampang aja, juga jangan nge-flow gaje gitu. Yea making a way isn't easy, yet it isn't difficult. Kalo lo mau, lo pasti bisa :D I still believe on that. Apalagi kalo dibimbing Tuhan, bukan gue yang terlalu rohani, tapi emang gitu kenyataan nya. Kalo pun lo ngga minta pertolongan Nya, dia bakal ngasih lo pertolongan on the right time. Believe Him, believe Him, believe Him, and yea it's another cliche. Don't stop believing in Him.
Akhir-akhir ini banyaaak banget masalah, tapi gue bersyukur Dia ngirimin orang-orang yang sangat caring and loving, my family ♥ see? He's always good :)
Anyway, gue ngikut lomba nyanyi di sekolah, audisi nya minggu ini, nyanyi lagu rohani. Please wish me the best ;) see ya! Good night xoxo.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Emang hidup susah, tapi lo ga boleh nyerah. Gue sering ngomong gini, bahkan ini udah menjadi cliche di posts gue. Tapi, no matter how many times I've said it, beberapa org masih tetep aja gampang give up. Gue ga nyalain kalo lo gampang nyerah, gue juga kadang2 gitu kok, but I'll make a way to improve myself. Dan yaaa, kadang2 ngga ada jalan, maka nya kita nyerah. Saran gue, KALO GA ADA JALAN, KITA BUAT JALAN SENDIRI. Be creative. Jangan cuma nyari gampang aja, juga jangan nge-flow gaje gitu. Yea making a way isn't easy, yet it isn't difficult. Kalo lo mau, lo pasti bisa :D I still believe on that. Apalagi kalo dibimbing Tuhan, bukan gue yang terlalu rohani, tapi emang gitu kenyataan nya. Kalo pun lo ngga minta pertolongan Nya, dia bakal ngasih lo pertolongan on the right time. Believe Him, believe Him, believe Him, and yea it's another cliche. Don't stop believing in Him.
Akhir-akhir ini banyaaak banget masalah, tapi gue bersyukur Dia ngirimin orang-orang yang sangat caring and loving, my family ♥ see? He's always good :)
Anyway, gue ngikut lomba nyanyi di sekolah, audisi nya minggu ini, nyanyi lagu rohani. Please wish me the best ;) see ya! Good night xoxo.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Zizou Corder - Halo
Aite, bestselling author of the Lionboy Trilogy Zizou Corder made another eye-catching cover on shelves recently, Halo. Finished in a few months ago.
I absolutely adore how Halo was made to be a young, fresh, innocent, filled with strong spirit and courage, unbeatable by male components, yet so feminine. Halo reminded me of myself so much, I fell like denying it. Leonidas was brought in well, so as the centaurs, and my favourite, Arko the centaur (Halo's brother). Corder brought in the plot very well, as baby Halo washed ashore in ancient greece in a turtle's shell up to the end of her quest, partly living in disguise, the plague and the war and how she ended up meeting her biological mother.
It's one of the best books of the year, a must get copy. I think it's a really good book in the firmament of children's literary. You'll get good sense of suspens,betrayal, courage and some other stuff you might sense out in a book. Awesome.
I absolutely adore how Halo was made to be a young, fresh, innocent, filled with strong spirit and courage, unbeatable by male components, yet so feminine. Halo reminded me of myself so much, I fell like denying it. Leonidas was brought in well, so as the centaurs, and my favourite, Arko the centaur (Halo's brother). Corder brought in the plot very well, as baby Halo washed ashore in ancient greece in a turtle's shell up to the end of her quest, partly living in disguise, the plague and the war and how she ended up meeting her biological mother.
It's one of the best books of the year, a must get copy. I think it's a really good book in the firmament of children's literary. You'll get good sense of suspens,betrayal, courage and some other stuff you might sense out in a book. Awesome.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Soalan Ramalan Geografi STPM 942/1
Kertas 1 (Alam Sekitar Fizikal)
- Proses pemindahan tenaga dari matahari ke permukaan bumi, kesan bahangan suria terhadao proses fizikal yang berlaku di atmosfera bumi, kepentingan tenaga suria terhadap tumbuhan dan haiwan
- Maksud banjir kilat, faktor fizikal yg menyebabkan sering berlakunya njr kilat di bdr yg dikaji, kesan bjr kilat ke atas pnddk di bdr yg dikaji, langkah yg telah dilakukan bg mengatasi masalah bjr kilat t'sebut
- Maksud luluhawa, faktor fizikal yg m'pengaruhi luluhawa kimia/mekanika di sesuatu kwsn, kesan luluhawa kimia/mekanika kpd p'bentukan landskap dan aktiviti manusia
- Jenis batuan yg m'btk konfigurasi btk bumi, proses p'bentukan batuan t'sebut, pengaruh batuan t'hdp konfigurasi btk bumi dan aktiviti manusia
- teori hanyutan benua, proses p'bentukan benua, kewujudan gunung berapi, imbangan air dlm proses kitaran hidrologi
- lukis garisan isoterma, stesen2 cerap cuaca2
- bahangan terestrial,luluhawa biologi, runtuhan, awan(ciri2), pemeluwapan, kerpasan,imbangan air, aras trofik (ekosistem t'jejas akibat aktiviti manusia), solstis musim panas/sejuk,hakisan, perubahan iklim,lembangan saliran, perubahan aras laut,arus pesisir pantai,tenaga eksogenik
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Riordan Fans! Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero
It's official! Today, Disney-Hyperion announced that the second series of Camp Half-Blood adventures will be called The Heroes of Olympus. The first book, The Lost Hero, will be published Oct. 12, 2010.
The image above is not the final cover. That will be revealed this summer, along with more information. Who is the lost hero? Which characters from the first series will you see? Who are the new demigods? For now, I can't drop any hints, but here is a short book description from the official press release:
After saving Olympus from the evil Titan lord, Kronos, Percy and friends have rebuilt their beloved Camp Half-Blood, where the next generation of demigods must now prepare for a chilling prophecy of their own:
Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,
To storm or fire the world must fall.
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.
Now, in a brand-new series from blockbuster best-selling author Rick Riordan, fans return to the world of Camp Half-Blood. Here, a new group of heroes will inherit a quest. But to survive the journey, they’ll need the help of some familiar demigods.
-Taken from Rick Riordan's Blog-
Cant freaking wait!!!
New adventures with Percy and friends, the strawberry fields in Camp Half-Blood...absence of Luke Castellan :( ....
Sunday, July 18, 2010
A midnight insanity after reading an ancient Enigma
I hate what the biblical film epics did to the Egyptians, the brutal image portrayed, using the enormous task story of gangs of slaves when there is no absolute evidence suggesting the myth of such massive enterprise, which seems like a colossal waste of time and energy. Have Vatican I no clue of astronomy? Ancient racism is blasphemy. Of such stories written by Europeans when they're still primitive compared to the highly religious and advanced Egyptians, and we've taken to account such edited work, thousands of years later? How mentally brutal can old civilizations get to up-glow themselves, categorized such people of extreme reserved, who kept the inner mysteries from all but their chosen initiates, of motives of sciences incorporated in religion.
We can only sit, and ponder yet again upon words of drunken 2000 year old man, absorb good will into our hearts, waiting for Judgement day....which I hope no ancient envious writers who have done such damage would follow upon and leading us where we should be going....
Or the libraries in heaven are nothing more comparable than the KL National Library, useless as its appearance and smell.
If we were to be lied to in heaven, then prepare yourself to invade the reset button, where our souls could teleport to another planet capable of supporting life, and start over...and time travel, visiting 'us' in ancient times, further support their technological advances, like the AVP movie (except for the sacrificial ceremonies), and establish a communion of inter-galactic Christianity, a Vatican IV perhaps, and an anti-Christ of the dark side like Star Wars...where then we encourage war, but reduced by an intergalactic version of a reformed "Flower-Power", and play Elvis, The Blues Brothers and John Lee Hooker throughout space, stopping at a galactic cheeseburger stand on a moon in a distance galaxy, light travel to your nearest church, where you'll hear a archeological proven old testament, and eat glowing holy breads and radioactive sacramental wine...
What, we already have a Robin Hood in space...and walkie talkies!
And how dusty history books you dig up behind your shelves in the middle of the night could bring such insanity, blogging like a comic character owned by Graham Annable…
We can only sit, and ponder yet again upon words of drunken 2000 year old man, absorb good will into our hearts, waiting for Judgement day....which I hope no ancient envious writers who have done such damage would follow upon and leading us where we should be going....
Or the libraries in heaven are nothing more comparable than the KL National Library, useless as its appearance and smell.
If we were to be lied to in heaven, then prepare yourself to invade the reset button, where our souls could teleport to another planet capable of supporting life, and start over...and time travel, visiting 'us' in ancient times, further support their technological advances, like the AVP movie (except for the sacrificial ceremonies), and establish a communion of inter-galactic Christianity, a Vatican IV perhaps, and an anti-Christ of the dark side like Star Wars...where then we encourage war, but reduced by an intergalactic version of a reformed "Flower-Power", and play Elvis, The Blues Brothers and John Lee Hooker throughout space, stopping at a galactic cheeseburger stand on a moon in a distance galaxy, light travel to your nearest church, where you'll hear a archeological proven old testament, and eat glowing holy breads and radioactive sacramental wine...
What, we already have a Robin Hood in space...and walkie talkies!
And how dusty history books you dig up behind your shelves in the middle of the night could bring such insanity, blogging like a comic character owned by Graham Annable…
Saturday, July 17, 2010

So, I'm at Gelato Bar with Regina Natalia. She has been in Medan for 4 days. She's going back tomorrow morning :( GAH. But I enjoyed the 4 days with her. We took a lot of photo booth photos. AH I LOVE HER FULL! ♡ ♡ ♡
click here for more
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Friday, July 16, 2010
Riordan Fans!
As promised by Riordan
Been waiting for years,finally!
Got my copy, how 'bout you?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Queen of Teen. Vote for me! Again!
Salut!Head like a sieve these days. Forgot to tell you that I've made the shortlist of the Queen of Teen awards and y'all need to vote for me. Which you can do hereSomeone has to represent for the older, snarkier, sexier end of the teen fic world and that someone could be me. My fate is in your hands. Tell all your friends. Post the link on Facebook etc etc. Lather, rinse repeat.In other news, my
Maybe all of you know that school days have already started. Yea it's not easy, since it had been a month full of tweeting, having fun, and those kind of stuffs. Then suddenly you need to face those boring class hours and piles of homeworks. I bet it's not easy for you, the same thing goes for me. It's not easy for me too.
So, I had this goal for Grade 9. I aim to pass the UN exam with the minimum average points of 8.5 and yesss it's not easy as I'm not that kind of "bookworm". Still, I'm glad that I got the chance to improve my marks. Honestly speaking, I don't care about my marks while I was in Grade 8. I regret for not putting any effort to study. I should change that. I'm not going to regret. I'm going to do better and thinking of any strategies I could use to improve. I'm thinking about doing mind maps for every subjects, especially where there are new subjects like History, Economy, and Geography. Most of them, no, all of them are all important. Yes, and they're not the kind of subjects that most students could easily deal with. That's why I should put a lot of efforts :)
Guess that's all I wanna share. For those of you who are reading this, keep doing your best and don't let anyone distract you.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
So, I had this goal for Grade 9. I aim to pass the UN exam with the minimum average points of 8.5 and yesss it's not easy as I'm not that kind of "bookworm". Still, I'm glad that I got the chance to improve my marks. Honestly speaking, I don't care about my marks while I was in Grade 8. I regret for not putting any effort to study. I should change that. I'm not going to regret. I'm going to do better and thinking of any strategies I could use to improve. I'm thinking about doing mind maps for every subjects, especially where there are new subjects like History, Economy, and Geography. Most of them, no, all of them are all important. Yes, and they're not the kind of subjects that most students could easily deal with. That's why I should put a lot of efforts :)
Guess that's all I wanna share. For those of you who are reading this, keep doing your best and don't let anyone distract you.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Joshua Radin - Brand New Day
More like TheLaVa-Brand New Day....
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Elwood Blues
"No pharmaceutical product could ever equal the rush you get when the band hits that groove, the people are dancing, shouting, and swaying, and the house is rocking!" [...]
"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush. Depart now and you forever separate yourselves from the vital American legacies of Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon, Jimmy Reed, Memphis Slim, Blind Boy Fuller, Louie Jordon, Little Walter, Big Walter, Sonnyboy Williamson I and II, Otis Redding, Jackie Wilson, Elvis Presley, Lieber and Stoller, and Robert K. Weiss".
"Who is Robert K. Weiss?"
"Turn your backs now and you snuff out the fragile candles of Blues, R&B and Soul, and when those flames flicker and expire, the light of the world is extinguished because the music which has moved mankind through seven decades leading to the millennium will whither and die on the vine of abandonment and neglect".
-Elwood Blues-
"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush. Depart now and you forever separate yourselves from the vital American legacies of Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon, Jimmy Reed, Memphis Slim, Blind Boy Fuller, Louie Jordon, Little Walter, Big Walter, Sonnyboy Williamson I and II, Otis Redding, Jackie Wilson, Elvis Presley, Lieber and Stoller, and Robert K. Weiss".
"Who is Robert K. Weiss?"
"Turn your backs now and you snuff out the fragile candles of Blues, R&B and Soul, and when those flames flicker and expire, the light of the world is extinguished because the music which has moved mankind through seven decades leading to the millennium will whither and die on the vine of abandonment and neglect".
-Elwood Blues-
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Heeeeey! :) it has been such a looooong time since I last posted, and I'm really sorry about that. It's not like I mean it, but I moved house so I'm quite busy with stuffs.
I've watched Karate Kid last Friday and I enjoyed it. Watch it with Elizabeth and Hendy, only 3 of us. The reason we hang out is because of the exhausting life problems, that's why we decided to have a refreshment. I mean, yea life is hard. The cycle of obstacles will not stop, and that's just how life rolls, whether you like it or not. By the time you read this post, maybe most of you'll say "Life's not fair". Well, this is what I say: Life is fair. You just need to ask yourself how many times you looked at the good sides of life. I'm sure all of us tend to complain more rather than appreciating, 'cause we're humans. Why don't all of us cherish the good moments, only the good ones, by then you'll realize that life is fair enough.
Will be dropping by some other time, okayyy? ;)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
I've watched Karate Kid last Friday and I enjoyed it. Watch it with Elizabeth and Hendy, only 3 of us. The reason we hang out is because of the exhausting life problems, that's why we decided to have a refreshment. I mean, yea life is hard. The cycle of obstacles will not stop, and that's just how life rolls, whether you like it or not. By the time you read this post, maybe most of you'll say "Life's not fair". Well, this is what I say: Life is fair. You just need to ask yourself how many times you looked at the good sides of life. I'm sure all of us tend to complain more rather than appreciating, 'cause we're humans. Why don't all of us cherish the good moments, only the good ones, by then you'll realize that life is fair enough.
Will be dropping by some other time, okayyy? ;)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Final call! Final call!
Last reminder that I'll be doing my only London event this year (probably) tomorrow evening at Dulwich Library. Appearing with other teen fiction authors, Simmone Howell, Luisa Plaja and Keris Stainton at an event to celebrate Chicklish's fourth anniversary. Come if you can!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Just received my report card today :) it isn't bad, yet it isn't really good. Need to study and work harder for my next level! I'm promoted to Grade 9. Well, none of my friends failed. All did pass, only for my class ehehe. UN is coming :D that only means I MUST do better. It's not easy to pass it anyway, around 32 students in Methodist-2 didn't pass. See, but I believe it's not hard since I want to learn.
To be true, life gets more complicated each day. Not to mention the never-ending list of my challenges, the life itself is tough. Who says life isn't difficult? No one ever did, no one ever dare. Like people say, as long as you're still breathing, challenges will not end. It will come, 'cause it has to! To make us stronger. The only thing matters is what do you take challenges in life as.
Just posting a short post here :p not going to elaborate everything that's happening. It's too long and I got no time ahaha! :D
Sealed with a smile, talithayohana :)
Monday, June 21, 2010

HEYHO! :) I start fasting today, yes, for Army of God. It's held on 12 and 13 August 2010 in Apron TNI AU. Please do come! :) it's an open invitation. Bring as many friends as you want. It's up to you.
There will be:
Ps. Philip Mantofa
Ps. Jaeson Ma
Ps. Yosep Moro Wijaya
Vanness Wu
Nafa Urbach
Zack Lee
Ari Wibowo
Ps. Jaeson Ma
Ps. Yosep Moro Wijaya
Vanness Wu
Nafa Urbach
Zack Lee
Ari Wibowo
Any questions? Drop comments :) GB.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Coaches, but not all, some left earlier.

My group (CHAMPION)
I'm back y a y !
Well, I'm not as happy as it seem. In fact, I'm not glad at all. I miss the times when we cheered, we laughed, we cried. We did everything together, but we had to separate in a sudden, and that made me sad, really sad. I want to replay those memories or make time faster until next year's camp.
That's not going to happen, I know. Honestly, even though I had gone through the same thing in this programme many times, but every time I join this programme I feel upgraded from one level to another. I experienced new ones :) like the one I did on Day 3 (Tuesday) hahaha. It's because of the word "care" and also "concern" for others. My PD, Igor, told me that coaching is not a job, it's a calling. Kata-kata itu nancep banget! It's true.
I'm glad to know people like them, they supported me and I hope will be always supporting me :) thank you God for letting me meet them.
What I've learned from this year's camp:
"True friend is the one who dares to tell you the truth, and is brave enough to say that you are wrong, only because of care and concern towards you."
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Just to let you people know...
That it's possible...
to try making pandan cake...
and suddenly end up with a cheese cake...
eventhough you got your ingredients right...
for Hasvinder Kaur and Farhana Nohrin...
That it's possible...
to try making pandan cake...
and suddenly end up with a cheese cake...
eventhough you got your ingredients right...
for Hasvinder Kaur and Farhana Nohrin...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Kabus dan Kabut
Aku masih ingat hari aku belajar perbezaan antara kabus dengan kabut
Lava: Cikgu, kabus dengan kabut tuh ape bezanyer?
Cikgu: Kabus tuh jadi kat lebih 1000m, kabut tuh kurang darr 1000m, selalunyer terbentuk kat laut..
Lava :Abis, apesal pulak name dier lain2?
Cikgu: Tempat lain, name dier lain..
Lava: Jadik, kalo kat sini azmi, kat US ezmi? (wakakakaka)
Cikgu: Ialah...kalo luar gunung berapi tuh lava, kalau dalam gunung berapi tuh namenyer magma....
Kamie: padan muker kaw!
Lava: Cikgu, kabus dengan kabut tuh ape bezanyer?
Cikgu: Kabus tuh jadi kat lebih 1000m, kabut tuh kurang darr 1000m, selalunyer terbentuk kat laut..
Lava :Abis, apesal pulak name dier lain2?
Cikgu: Tempat lain, name dier lain..
Lava: Jadik, kalo kat sini azmi, kat US ezmi? (wakakakaka)
Cikgu: Ialah...kalo luar gunung berapi tuh lava, kalau dalam gunung berapi tuh namenyer magma....
Kamie: padan muker kaw!
Friday, June 11, 2010
A must get poetic edda by Tolkien
I remember buying this after hearing HarperCollins releasing it, on May 5th 2009. It was written by Tolkien in the 1920's and remained unpublish till the very recent. Those who are interested in poetic edda, traditional poetry or a Tolkien maniac should have a copy. His son did a good job on the commentary.
You'll understand it better if you're familiar with german mythology. Remember the legend of Sigurd and the fall of the Niflungs?Without my middle english vocab revision, I was able to catch most during Signy.
I've gone through this work of Tolkien's four times. Thought of starting a poetic edda myself, but I laughed at that thought...myself.
I shall post a summary written by myself, with my notes and references I make to the usage of the language of the middle earth for anyone's convenience, but will do after I restart posting "Fingery Usage for the modern English language", you'll see it now and then.
Dont worry, I will slot some fingeries for middle english usage (I could see faces of concern among my old readers).
Till then...like my golden badge would always say my boys, "read"
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
London event! Monday, 28th June.
To celebrate the 4th birthday of fantastic teen fic site, Chicklish, Tales on Moon Lane and Southwark Libraries would like to invite you to spend an evening with teen authors Luisa Plaja, Sarra Manning, Keris Stainton and Simmone Howell at Dulwich Library on Monday 28th June at 5.45pm.The authors will be discussing their writing from 6.15 followed by an opportunity to get books signed. Drinks

Sometimes, I just hope that one specific dream of mine came true. What I mean is the dream that I am dreaming day and night. I want to reach it, even though I'm not sure I'm able to reach it or even make it to reality. I'm looking forward to do anything to reach it, it's just that something in my heart tell me not to. Complicated? Yes, so complicated. It's even more complicated than what I could express here, through writings. I hope this quote applies in real life.
“Every moment of pain, weakness, and discomfort puts you in a position to choose how you will react and how you will alleviate your condition.”
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
I bring you GREAT news :) aaaaa I get in to the AKLTG Coach Team, again (this year) :D weheee! FYI, I'm the only girl from Medan, but who cares. It's my third time for passing and my second time to join. I couldn't make it the previous year because I went to Jakarta for holiday and they just told me the day I arrived at Jakarta :/ here's the list of names who got in:
Devris WIjaya (MDN)
Ichsan Thamin Wiputra (MDN)
Stefen Setiawan (MDN)
Talitha Yohana (MDN)
Adriyan Viryadi (MDN)
Benny Mulyo (MDN)
Triwijono (MDN)
Andy Susanto (MDN)
See? I'm the only girl. Perhaps I'm the only middle school students too. aaaaa but like I've mentioned before, WHO CARES! So yea, I'll be leaving this Saturday evening to Piaget, then I'm not sure what we're gonna do after that. Maybe, preparation. Yes, of course! I'm excited gah!
Devris WIjaya (MDN)
Ichsan Thamin Wiputra (MDN)
Stefen Setiawan (MDN)
Talitha Yohana (MDN)
Adriyan Viryadi (MDN)
Benny Mulyo (MDN)
Triwijono (MDN)
Andy Susanto (MDN)
See? I'm the only girl. Perhaps I'm the only middle school students too. aaaaa but like I've mentioned before, WHO CARES! So yea, I'll be leaving this Saturday evening to Piaget, then I'm not sure what we're gonna do after that. Maybe, preparation. Yes, of course! I'm excited gah!
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Dead Zebra
We saw a dead zebra
in the drain ; beside the post office
We saw a dead monkey
and a man begging for money
beside a crowded morning clinic
We saw a chimpanzee gasping for air
and a chimp barely able to breathe (in the sea)
We saw a man wearing zebra clothes
crossing the zebra crossing
We saw a man wearing zigzag clothes
crossing the zigzag crossing
Why should we all suffer like this
We want to remove all zebra crossings
We want to remove all zigzag crossings
We want clean air for the chimpanzees
We want money to be given to the man with the dead monkey
We want the DBKL to clean the drain,
which got clogged by the dead zebra
We want John Masters and Polo given to people who wear
crap clothes
Let us decide what the community rights should be;
for now and forever.
By Hasvinder Kaur and Lavania Sugu
17th October 2006
in the drain ; beside the post office
We saw a dead monkey
and a man begging for money
beside a crowded morning clinic
We saw a chimpanzee gasping for air
and a chimp barely able to breathe (in the sea)
We saw a man wearing zebra clothes
crossing the zebra crossing
We saw a man wearing zigzag clothes
crossing the zigzag crossing
Why should we all suffer like this
We want to remove all zebra crossings
We want to remove all zigzag crossings
We want clean air for the chimpanzees
We want money to be given to the man with the dead monkey
We want the DBKL to clean the drain,
which got clogged by the dead zebra
We want John Masters and Polo given to people who wear
crap clothes
Let us decide what the community rights should be;
for now and forever.
By Hasvinder Kaur and Lavania Sugu
17th October 2006
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Most people tend to write pages of list of things they wanted. On the other side, probably they don't realize what they actually have. Life ALWAYS has 2 sides.
- Gue bersyukur punya Tuhan yang punya segalanya, and on top of everything, punya Tuhan yang pengertian, baik, great, and of course perfect :) yang selalu sayang sama gue meskipun gue sering nyakitin Dia. Bukan satu kali dua kali tiga kali, tapi berulang kali. Thank you for every single little thing, Lord.
- Daddy and Mommy yang selalu supportive. Makasih buat waktu, tenaga yang kalian udah keluarin buat gedein gue :') I never thought of any greater person in this world than you guys (well of course after God). Makasih buat air mata nya saat mommy lahirin gue, anak yang kadang-kadang ga sopan sama kalian. Daddy, thanks for the jokes to finally cheer me up in the middle of the night.
- Irvino and Edith, sorry kalo kadang-kadang cici yang satu ini terlalu cerewet sama kalian :b maaf banget ya, tapi kalian tau kan kalo gue sayang banget sama kalian berdua ;) thanks for not making me bored, kalian selalu punya ide untuk buat gue ketawa, apa pun itu.
- Oma Selly and Pho Pho, kalian berdua nenek yg GREAT. First of all, makasih udah lahirin bonyok gue. Kalo ga ada kalian, pasti ga ada mereka, dan kalo ga ada mereka, pasti ga ada gue. Makasih ya. Meskipun Oma udah ngga ada, dan yang sempet liat cuma gue karna Oma udah ga ada waktu Irvino dan Edith lahir, gue tetep sayang sama Oma kok :) and Pho Pho, makasih buat masakan Chinese nyaaa ;) slurp. I love it lotsss, cepet balik ya dari Surabayaaa :D anyway, gue belom sempet nge-liat Opa and Gong Gong (grandpa in mandarin), but I believe that both of you were great people.
- Regina Natalia gue sayang sama lo :* makasih buat nasehat nya. Kita sering berantem tapi pada akhir nya, kita baikan lagi, ya ga? :D cepet ke medan yaaa! See you soooon! WEHEEE (this post is short due to my excitement of seeing her aaaaa)
- Olivia maaf gue ga tau nama panjang lo. Yang satu ini temen gue TK, SD kelas 1 sampe 3, abis itu dia pindah ke Jakarta. Sempet ketemuan juga di Jakarta beberapa taon yang lalu (lupa kapan :b) tapi sekarang udah lost contact. Wish to meet you :(
- Elizabeth Marietta makasih bener anter jemput nya :D HAHA sekarang udah bisa nyetir antar jemput gue yaaaaa ;) yang satu ini, dia super duper kocak. Ga bakal kehabisan topik kalo ngomong sama dia HAHA
- Maggie Kanggoro, Patricia Odilia, Audrey Selena, Giovanni Agripina, and Clarissa Tjangnaka I love you guysss :* meskipun udah ga satu sekolah, lo ga lupain gue kaaan?
- Arlene Natasha ini mami gueee :) orang nya baik, cakep, pinter, dan pengertian. Never thought that our house is this near, as in very near (!) HAHA meskipun udah ketemuan lama (waktu di ET), tapi belom lama kenalan nya :D but I'm glad to know her.
- Arlia Roselin ini cici nya Arlene. Cakep juga, baik juga, pinter juga aaaaa mirip kan? :D orang nya super fun. Sebetulnya, Arlene juga sih, ah pokok nya sama lah mereka berdua ga jauh beda HAHAHA dan iya belom lama kenalan sama mereka berdua, baru satu stengah taon :b
- Jenny anak yang never-thought-kalo-dia-gila! Gue pikir dia alim, rupa nya kocak juga. Ketemu waktu story telling competition di Briton. Familiar with her name? Yea, I've posted about her before :)
- Maik Andri, Jeffrey Kristanto, Randy Tandra, Handy Tandra, Vincentia Laksono, dan Raymond yang sering nemenin gue saat malam Minggu :D ya ngga? Oke, mereka temen satu sel gue yang super duper hyper gokil!
- Julie Christine and Militia Christi orang nya perasaan seneng terus deh HAHA. Belom begitu lama kenal mereka, tapi merasa sudah deket :b lol gue jamin ga nyesel kalo kenal orang-orang kayak mereka berdua.
- Kezia Charissa, makasih ya buat words di blog kamu yang ohlalala banget :D I'm a fan! aaaaa you're talented, udah cakep, pinter, baik, cinta Tuhan wow
- Irene Hartanto :D gue kenal dari dunia maya yang ternyata temen-temen gue kenal. Sering ketemuan kalo jalan di Sun Plaza. Makasih udah nemenin ke Dago sama Ko Maik yaaa ;)
That's all! Sorry kalo beberapa yang ga disebutin. Maybe I missed out some, but yea I still do love you guys. Thanks for being beside me all this time.
Gue nyadar, gue terinspirasi lagi dari post Regina Natalia dan Kezia Charissa. I don't know how many times I've said this before, but yesss their blogs are inspirative.
Sorry for my bad grammar, sorry for the short description because it will took me the whole night to write all the good stuffs you guys had done for me :)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Mom’s cousin brought back a new girlfriend, and boy how annoying that 23 year old woman was. Visiting sucks. There’s nothing much in Tampin, just a large area filled with old, half abandoned kampongs. Irritated, I burst out all swears that I can swear out. With mummy busy with visiting, I decided to sneak out, and explore the boredom of whatever that’s still standing.
And so I begin my ‘journey’, carrying a bag filled with my wallet, phone, food, a book and a bottle of water. As I was walking in that small town, I decided to take a detour, entering a small road behind the shops, leading to a small kampong, barely filled with people, and oh so usang. The houses were all made of wood; some were as clear as no more. The kampong was not maintained anymore, so, the nearby hutan is taking over.And so, being female, I decided to enter the kampong, walking on its main road, passing by every old house. After a short while, I reached the end of the kampong, facing a hutan. There, where I was standing, was an old wooden house, where an old granny came out, and said “Nak, buat apo rayao-rayao?” “Tengok-tengok je nek” “Kalo cam tuh, kalo nampak harimao, jangan tegur, jangan buat bising tau, buat tak taw eh, tak mo tegor-tegor” (My dear Malay friends, you know what she meant).
After having her creeping me out, I decided to enter the hutan, just to look around, without knowing that my geographical instincts was about to get me into real trouble. I saw a tree with a fruit that is adable, I don’t know its name, but it taste like passion fruit (grandma taught me). Then, something caught my eye, moving, it was a biawak, huge fella. Came down, and I approach the creature. Realising that action, the giant lizard darted of, fast. I chased it, without thinking. As I was running, I step into a dent, which turned out to be a huge hole. The hole was deep, and the fall was hard. My head went spiny for a while. I rolled up to my back, moving my legs and arms, then my neck, to check if there’s anything broken. Got up, to check for any injuries, none. I look up, and around. It turns out I fell into some sort of a drain. I was in this cubicle concrete structure, all dried up, and with its surface covered with plants, which explains why I didn’t realise its existence. I tried reaching my hands to the top, jumping as high as I could, but with no luck, it was deep. There were no cracks or jolts to help me up and after 15 minutes shouting for help, I realise it was pointless. I knew I was stuck, for sure. There was no way out. I sat, feeling hungry; grab a bite of whatever I had in my bag. I was hoping for someone to find me, but I am aware of how hopeless it was, who would enter an abandoned mini-hutan anyway, no one knows the drain was there.
But I wasn’t afraid. I found it extremely weird that I was not afraid. I should be, fear is the key to survival, makes you think. I was fonder with my curiosity about the drain, its unfamiliar structure, how it resembles nothing like modern drainage systems, how old and decomposing the concrete is, how it tunnels both on my left and right. After spending an hour in there, I decided to find a way out myself. If I can’t go up, then I’ll get out sideways, the drain will surely lead me somewhere. Thus, I followed the tunnel. It was getting dark, and I know I have to move fast before I lose precious daylight. I reached to the other end, deposited in another cubicle of useless concrete. I move on, continuing into the tunnel, reaching another cubicle. I was lucky as the walls were cracked opened by roots of trees, growing through the walls of the concrete. I decided to use the roots to climb up, placing my hands and feet progressively. Trust me; it wasn’t as easy as it is in the movies. I spent half an hour trying to climb out. Once I got out, I look out for a long stick, using it to trek the hutan, making sure I would not fall into anything anymore. I used my bearing I learned from Pn.Rusmarini and especially Cikgu Azmi, identifying where the sun sets, the gradient of the slants and identifying the tree that I might have cross by (and boy I was useless at those skills). I know I should move a roughly minus 25 of west (thanks again Cikgu Azmi for applying that habit into us). Finally, I got out, facing an extremely old house, a part of the kampong the hutan successfully taken over. I follow the path which leads me to the main road of the kampong, and out. I took the small road out from behind the shops, entered the town, and back home. It was already 6 in the evening, or so. My mom went hysterical; I can’t answer her calls, can I? There was no signal. I could not tell her I snuck out, entered an abandoned kampong, chased a lizard into the hutan, and got stuck in a hole.
“Errmmm...I went for cendol mummy, in town...and got caught up with football on TV, sorry”
Went into the bathroom, I checked for scratches and such. I was proud I didn’t injure myself, after a fall like that, I could have broken something. Then, I saw a dried twig tangled in my hair. While attempting to get it out, it scraped the skin of my finger. There goes my record.
After a hot shower back in KL, the shivers start to kick in. I wasn’t scared before. I was too busy thinking about getting out, getting my bearings, wondering about such a huge, unfamiliar of a drain in the middle of a thick bush pat, what was it doing there and such. I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that I was stuck, or might get eaten by wild animals, or die of starvation, or maybe it might have rained, or that it might be too late when people already found me. The thoughts which I left aside came back, and boy was I scared!
I was very lucky. It could have become serious. Thus, I would like to thank Cikgu Azmi for the skills, Artemis, Goddess of the maidens for protecting me, Athena, goddess of wisdom for my actions, Odin, for my bravery, Christ, for my realisations and for making me love myself and Semangat for not making me nature’s food. My friends, who cared about me and the poor, lonely, undiscovered longkang.
And lastly, my dear teacher, Nehemiah Trot, who kept me going throughout the entire moment, keeping me sane, encouraging me to continue planning, which help my survival. I never got lost in a jungle before, and this was my first, even though it wasn’t really a jungle, something I like to call a mini-hutan. You can write that down and nailed it on whoever’s door, I shall write. I am definitely proud to be your young Alexander. Thus, I dedicated this post for you.
And so I begin my ‘journey’, carrying a bag filled with my wallet, phone, food, a book and a bottle of water. As I was walking in that small town, I decided to take a detour, entering a small road behind the shops, leading to a small kampong, barely filled with people, and oh so usang. The houses were all made of wood; some were as clear as no more. The kampong was not maintained anymore, so, the nearby hutan is taking over.And so, being female, I decided to enter the kampong, walking on its main road, passing by every old house. After a short while, I reached the end of the kampong, facing a hutan. There, where I was standing, was an old wooden house, where an old granny came out, and said “Nak, buat apo rayao-rayao?” “Tengok-tengok je nek” “Kalo cam tuh, kalo nampak harimao, jangan tegur, jangan buat bising tau, buat tak taw eh, tak mo tegor-tegor” (My dear Malay friends, you know what she meant).
After having her creeping me out, I decided to enter the hutan, just to look around, without knowing that my geographical instincts was about to get me into real trouble. I saw a tree with a fruit that is adable, I don’t know its name, but it taste like passion fruit (grandma taught me). Then, something caught my eye, moving, it was a biawak, huge fella. Came down, and I approach the creature. Realising that action, the giant lizard darted of, fast. I chased it, without thinking. As I was running, I step into a dent, which turned out to be a huge hole. The hole was deep, and the fall was hard. My head went spiny for a while. I rolled up to my back, moving my legs and arms, then my neck, to check if there’s anything broken. Got up, to check for any injuries, none. I look up, and around. It turns out I fell into some sort of a drain. I was in this cubicle concrete structure, all dried up, and with its surface covered with plants, which explains why I didn’t realise its existence. I tried reaching my hands to the top, jumping as high as I could, but with no luck, it was deep. There were no cracks or jolts to help me up and after 15 minutes shouting for help, I realise it was pointless. I knew I was stuck, for sure. There was no way out. I sat, feeling hungry; grab a bite of whatever I had in my bag. I was hoping for someone to find me, but I am aware of how hopeless it was, who would enter an abandoned mini-hutan anyway, no one knows the drain was there.
But I wasn’t afraid. I found it extremely weird that I was not afraid. I should be, fear is the key to survival, makes you think. I was fonder with my curiosity about the drain, its unfamiliar structure, how it resembles nothing like modern drainage systems, how old and decomposing the concrete is, how it tunnels both on my left and right. After spending an hour in there, I decided to find a way out myself. If I can’t go up, then I’ll get out sideways, the drain will surely lead me somewhere. Thus, I followed the tunnel. It was getting dark, and I know I have to move fast before I lose precious daylight. I reached to the other end, deposited in another cubicle of useless concrete. I move on, continuing into the tunnel, reaching another cubicle. I was lucky as the walls were cracked opened by roots of trees, growing through the walls of the concrete. I decided to use the roots to climb up, placing my hands and feet progressively. Trust me; it wasn’t as easy as it is in the movies. I spent half an hour trying to climb out. Once I got out, I look out for a long stick, using it to trek the hutan, making sure I would not fall into anything anymore. I used my bearing I learned from Pn.Rusmarini and especially Cikgu Azmi, identifying where the sun sets, the gradient of the slants and identifying the tree that I might have cross by (and boy I was useless at those skills). I know I should move a roughly minus 25 of west (thanks again Cikgu Azmi for applying that habit into us). Finally, I got out, facing an extremely old house, a part of the kampong the hutan successfully taken over. I follow the path which leads me to the main road of the kampong, and out. I took the small road out from behind the shops, entered the town, and back home. It was already 6 in the evening, or so. My mom went hysterical; I can’t answer her calls, can I? There was no signal. I could not tell her I snuck out, entered an abandoned kampong, chased a lizard into the hutan, and got stuck in a hole.
“Errmmm...I went for cendol mummy, in town...and got caught up with football on TV, sorry”
Went into the bathroom, I checked for scratches and such. I was proud I didn’t injure myself, after a fall like that, I could have broken something. Then, I saw a dried twig tangled in my hair. While attempting to get it out, it scraped the skin of my finger. There goes my record.
After a hot shower back in KL, the shivers start to kick in. I wasn’t scared before. I was too busy thinking about getting out, getting my bearings, wondering about such a huge, unfamiliar of a drain in the middle of a thick bush pat, what was it doing there and such. I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that I was stuck, or might get eaten by wild animals, or die of starvation, or maybe it might have rained, or that it might be too late when people already found me. The thoughts which I left aside came back, and boy was I scared!
I was very lucky. It could have become serious. Thus, I would like to thank Cikgu Azmi for the skills, Artemis, Goddess of the maidens for protecting me, Athena, goddess of wisdom for my actions, Odin, for my bravery, Christ, for my realisations and for making me love myself and Semangat for not making me nature’s food. My friends, who cared about me and the poor, lonely, undiscovered longkang.
And lastly, my dear teacher, Nehemiah Trot, who kept me going throughout the entire moment, keeping me sane, encouraging me to continue planning, which help my survival. I never got lost in a jungle before, and this was my first, even though it wasn’t really a jungle, something I like to call a mini-hutan. You can write that down and nailed it on whoever’s door, I shall write. I am definitely proud to be your young Alexander. Thus, I dedicated this post for you.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Okay well, gue terinspirasi sama post nya Regina Natalia yang tentang copycatter. Semua orang punya pandangan beda-beda dengan kata "copycatter". Menurut gue, copycatter itu adalah orang yang kurang (ato ngga sama sekali) percaya diri, kurang self-esteem gitu. Ngerti? Kalo mereka berani dikit aja, at least dia bakalan nambah kreatifitas nya dikit ke sesuatu nya supaya ga dijiplak copycatter (meskipun itu adalah copycatters secara tidak langsung lol).
Cukup dengan copycatters nya. Bagaimana dengan orang yang di contoh nya? GA USAH DI BAWA EMOSI. Liat sisi positif nya, berarti LO ITU KEREN DI MATA MEREKA, DAN PATUT DIJADIIN CONTOH. See? It only proofs that you are better than them, and you're good enough to be an example for them. Meskipun menurut gue ngopi mati-matian itu out of mind :p (no offense). Tapi mendingan supaya lebih safe, lo setidak nya ngasih credit ke orang yang udah lo tiruin in any kind of ways. That will be better, at least.
Kayak ini nih gue, kan niru Regina punya post, Kezia juga pernah post sih, tapi ini ngga bisa dibilang nge-copycat, gue kan ga jiplak jeplok sana sini, paling topik nya aja yang sama :D gapapa kan re, kez? HIHIHI
Oh iya, gue juga mau nambahin, Tuhan itu ciptain orang beda-beda, you know why? Itu karna di balik perbedaan itu, masing-masing punya kelebihan, dan ngga ada satu pun orang yang ngga punya, lo pasti punya. Dan kenapa harus jadi sperti orang lain, kalo bisa jadi diri sendiri? :)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
"No winter lasts forever, and no spring skips its turn."
This quote means a lot to me. It somehow keeps me survive from all the "hunger"s in my life I'm going through now. At least, this keeps me to relax knowing that the best is yet to come. Well, of course with His guidance, too. I found this quote while surfing, precisely from Reffy Nugraha's twitter. So yea, wanna share it with all of you.
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Well, idk what to post although I feel like posting something. So yea, life is pretty good (not really). Anywaysss, finished my exams and glad to know that I didn't fail even one of it :D
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Reminder-y stuff
Holla Just a reminder that this time next week, I'll be on a teen panel at the Hay Festival with writer Ann Kelley. Think it's sold out now, but here's the link.When I'm finally done with the edits on the second grown-up book, I'll do a nice, juicy link-tastic post.That's a promise.Live onSarra x
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Just going to post a short post here :)

Happy 2nd SHINeeversary! :)

Happy 2nd SHINeeversary! :)
It's their second year since they debuted. To be true, I never know them before until March 2010. At first, I thought they were all very lame, boring, and other kind of bad things I could think of. Well, you'll never know something until you figure it out. I found that they are all very supportive to one another, among themselves of course :p they are always giving their best to make their fans happy. To be true, placing yourself in their situation is not as easy as you think. They need to work hard, and if they make a single mistake, everyone will know. Overall, they have been such a very hard working group.
Sleeping only 6 hours a day isn't easy. Especially dealing with sweats for the rest of the 18 hours left. See? Being an artist need a lot of sacrifices, especially a world-wide known artist. They cry of how they miss their family. There's no time for them to really relax, do you ever realize? So what I'm saying is that no matter how bad an artist is, I think we all should appreciate everything they've done. Imagine you're one of them. Do you think you can survive?
Long live SHINee! :D
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Never expected that I got first consolation prize winner. I never even thought of being in the final, but God has planned a lot of great things, right? :D even though I didn't manage to get any of that trophies, but yea, I still thank God for being able to reach this level I am now. I met new friends, let me introduce them :)
Sealed with a smile,
talithayohana :)
Careers in Geosciences
Geoscientists follow paths of exploration and discovery in quest of solutions to some of society's most challenging problems.
Geoscientists are stewards or caretakers of Earth's resources and environment. They work to understand natural processes on Earth and other planets. Investigating the Earth, its soils, oceans, and atmosphere; forecasting the weather; developing land-use plans; exploring other planets and the solar system; determining environmental impacts; and finding new sources of useful Earth materials are just a few of the ways geoscientists contribute to our understanding of Earth processes and history. Geoscientists provide essential information for solving problems and establishing governmental policies for resource management; environmental protection; and public health, safety, and welfare.
Geoscientists are curious about the Earth and the solar system. Is there life on other planets? How are they changing? What effects will shrinking glaciers have on the oceans and climate? What makes a continent move, a mountain form, a volcano erupt? Why did the dinosaurs become extinct?
Geoscientists are concerned about the Earth. How is the global climate changing? How do Earth systems work? How and where should we dispose of industrial wastes? How can society's growing demands for energy and water be satisfied while conserving natural resources for future generations? As global populations increase, can we grow enough food and fiber to sustain them?
The Earth is an outdoor laboratory filled with opportunities to observe Earth processes in action. By applying their knowledge of forces and factors that shape the Earth, geoscientists seek to reconstruct the past and anticipate the future.
Geoscientists gather and interpret data about the Earth and other planets. They use their knowledge to increase our understanding of Earth processes and to improve the quality of human life. Their work and career paths vary widely because the geosciences are so broad and diverse. The National Science Foundation considers geology, geophysics, hydrology, oceanography, marine science, atmospheric science, planetary science, meteorology, environmental science, and soil science as the major geoscience disciplines. The following list gives a glimpse of what geoscientists do in these disciplines and a variety of subdisciplines.
Atmospheric scientists study weather processes; the global dynamics of climate; solar radiation and its effects; and the role of atmospheric chemistry in ozone depletion, climate change, and pollution.
Economic geologists explore for and develop metallic and nonmetallic resources; they study mineral deposits and find environmentally safe ways to dispose of waste materials from mining activities.
Engineering geologists apply geological data, techniques, and principles to the study of rock and soil surficial materials and ground water; they investigate geologic factors that affect structures such as bridges, buildings, airports, and dams.
Environmental geologists study the interaction between the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and human activities. They work to solve problems associated with pollution, waste management, urbanization, and natural hazards, such as flooding and erosion.
Geochemists use physical and inorganic chemistry to investigate the nature and distribution of major and trace elements in ground water and Earth materials; they use organic chemistry to study the composition of fossil fuel (coal, oil, and gas) deposits.
Geochronologists use the rates of decay of certain radioactive elements in rocks to determine their age and the time sequence of events in the history of the Earth.
Geologists study the materials, processes, products, physical nature, and history of the Earth.
Geomorphologists study Earth's landforms and landscapes in relation to the geologic and climatic processes and human activities, which form them.
Geophysicists apply the principles of physics to studies of the Earth's interior and investigate Earth's magnetic, electric, and gravitational fields.
Glacial geologists study the physical properties and movement of glaciers and ice sheets.
Hydrogeologists study the occurrence, movement, abundance, distribution, and quality of subsurface waters and related geologic aspects of surface waters.
Hydrologists are concerned with water from the moment of precipitation until it evaporates into the atmosphere or is discharged into the ocean; for example, they study river systems to predict the impacts of flooding.
Marine geologists investigate the ocean-floor and ocean-continent boundaries; they study ocean basins, continental shelves, and the coastal environments on continental borders.
Meteorologists study the atmosphere and atmospheric phenomena, including the weather.
Mineralogists study mineral formation, composition, and properties.
Oceanographers investigate the physical, chemical, biological, and geologic dynamics of oceans.
Paleoecologists study the function and distribution of ancient organisms and their relationships to their environment.
Paleontologists study fossils to understand past life forms and their changes through time and to reconstruct past environments.
Petroleum geologists are involved in exploration for and production of oil and natural gas resources.
Petrologists determine the origin and natural history of rocks by analyzing mineral composition and grain relationships.
Planetary geologists study planets and their moons in order to understand the evolution of the solar system.
Sedimentologists study the nature, origin, distribution, and alteration of sediments, such as sand, silt, and mud. Oil, gas, coal and many mineral deposits occur in such sediments.
Seismologists study earthquakes and analyze the behavior of earthquake waves to interpret the structure of the Earth.
Soil scientists study soils and their properties to determine how to sustain agricultural productivity and to detect and remediate contaiminated soils.
Stratigraphers investigate the time and space relationships of rocks, on a local, regional, and global scale throughout geologic time -- especially the fossil and mineral content of layered rocks.
Structural geologists analyze Earth's forces by studying deformation, fracturing, and folding of the Earth's crust.
Volcanologists investigate volcanoes and volcanic phenomena to understand these natural hazards and predict eruptions.
Geoscientists may be found sampling the deep ocean floor or examining rock specimens from the Moon or Mars. But the work of most geoscientists is more "down to Earth." They work as explorers for new mineral and hydrocarbon resources, consultants on engineering and environmental problems, researchers, teachers, writers, editors, and museum curators as well as in many other challenging positions. They often divide their time among work in the field, the laboratory, and the office.
Field work usually consists of making observations, exploring the subsurface by drilling or using geophysical tools, collecting samples, and making measurements that will be analyzed in the laboratory. For example, rock samples may be X-rayed, studied under an electron microscope, and analyzed to determine physical and chemical properties. Geoscientists may also conduct experiments or design computer models to test theories about geologic phenomena and processes.
In the office, they integrate field and laboratory data and prepare reports and presentations that include maps and diagrams that illustrate the results of their studies. Such maps may pinpoint the possible occurrence of ores, coal, oil, natural gas, water resources, or indicate subsurface conditions or hazards that might affect construction sites or land use.
Job and Salary OUTLOOK
The employment outlook in the geosciences -- as in any profession -- varies with the economic climate of the country. The long-range outlook is good at this time. Dwindling energy, mineral, and water resources along with increasing concerns about the environment and natural hazards present new challenges to geoscientists.
According to the National Science Foundation, about 125,000 geoscientists work in the United States. Most geoscientists are employed by industries related to oil and gas, mining and minerals and water resources.
Many geoscientists are self-employed as geological consultants or work with consulting firms. Most consulting geologists have had extensive professional experience in industry, teaching, or research.
Also, many geoscientists work for the federal government or a state government agency. The U.S. Geological Survey (Department of the Interior), Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, state geological surveys, and state departments of environment and resources all employ geoscientists.
Salary scales vary from employer to employer depending on the career path, location, qualifications of the geoscientist, and, of course, the economy.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), jobs in the geosciences are expected to grow by 22 percent between 2006 and 2016. This is a much faster increase in employment tha the average for all occupations. Geoscientists with Master's degrees are expected to have the most employment opportunites of all degreed geoscientists.
Salary estimates released by BLS for 2008 indicated that the mean annual salary for geoscientists was $89,300. Geoscientists in the petroleum and mining industries earned the highest salaries ($95,200 - $130,620) and those in state government earned the least ($59,830). Geoscientist faculty earned a mean annual salary of $74,770 in 2008. Additionally, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, average starting salaries for college graduates with geoscience bachelor's degrees were $40,786 in 2007.
A strong interest in science and a good education are the most important elements in becoming a geoscientist. The geosciences draw on biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and engineering. High school courses related to these subjects plus a geology or earth-science course, or an integrated science curriculum, will help prepare you for college. Also, get a solid grounding in English, because geoscientists need to be able to write and speak clearly.
In choosing a college or university, look at the course listings for departments of geology, geoscience, earth-systems science, or environmental science to identify the geoscience programs that best match your interests. As in any profession, the applicants with the best qualifications get the best jobs. Most professional positions in the geosciences require a master's degree. A Ph.D. is needed for advancement in college teaching and in most high-level research positions.
- Predicting the behavior of Earth systems and the universe.
- Finding adequate supplies of natural resources, such as ground water, petroleum, and metals.
- Conserving soils and maintaining agricultural productivity.
- Developing natural resources in ways that safeguard the environment.
- Maintaining quality of water supplies.
- Reducing human suffering and property loss from natural hazards, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, landslides, hurricanes, and tsunamis.
- Determining geological controls on natural environments and habitats and predicting the impact of human activities on them.
- Defining the balance between society's demand for natural resources and the need to sustain healthy ecosystems.
- Understanding global climate patterns.
Geoscientists are stewards or caretakers of Earth's resources and environment. They work to understand natural processes on Earth and other planets. Investigating the Earth, its soils, oceans, and atmosphere; forecasting the weather; developing land-use plans; exploring other planets and the solar system; determining environmental impacts; and finding new sources of useful Earth materials are just a few of the ways geoscientists contribute to our understanding of Earth processes and history. Geoscientists provide essential information for solving problems and establishing governmental policies for resource management; environmental protection; and public health, safety, and welfare.
Geoscientists are curious about the Earth and the solar system. Is there life on other planets? How are they changing? What effects will shrinking glaciers have on the oceans and climate? What makes a continent move, a mountain form, a volcano erupt? Why did the dinosaurs become extinct?
Geoscientists are concerned about the Earth. How is the global climate changing? How do Earth systems work? How and where should we dispose of industrial wastes? How can society's growing demands for energy and water be satisfied while conserving natural resources for future generations? As global populations increase, can we grow enough food and fiber to sustain them?
The Earth is an outdoor laboratory filled with opportunities to observe Earth processes in action. By applying their knowledge of forces and factors that shape the Earth, geoscientists seek to reconstruct the past and anticipate the future.
Geoscientists gather and interpret data about the Earth and other planets. They use their knowledge to increase our understanding of Earth processes and to improve the quality of human life. Their work and career paths vary widely because the geosciences are so broad and diverse. The National Science Foundation considers geology, geophysics, hydrology, oceanography, marine science, atmospheric science, planetary science, meteorology, environmental science, and soil science as the major geoscience disciplines. The following list gives a glimpse of what geoscientists do in these disciplines and a variety of subdisciplines.
Atmospheric scientists study weather processes; the global dynamics of climate; solar radiation and its effects; and the role of atmospheric chemistry in ozone depletion, climate change, and pollution.
Economic geologists explore for and develop metallic and nonmetallic resources; they study mineral deposits and find environmentally safe ways to dispose of waste materials from mining activities.
Engineering geologists apply geological data, techniques, and principles to the study of rock and soil surficial materials and ground water; they investigate geologic factors that affect structures such as bridges, buildings, airports, and dams.
Environmental geologists study the interaction between the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and human activities. They work to solve problems associated with pollution, waste management, urbanization, and natural hazards, such as flooding and erosion.
Geochemists use physical and inorganic chemistry to investigate the nature and distribution of major and trace elements in ground water and Earth materials; they use organic chemistry to study the composition of fossil fuel (coal, oil, and gas) deposits.
Geochronologists use the rates of decay of certain radioactive elements in rocks to determine their age and the time sequence of events in the history of the Earth.
Geologists study the materials, processes, products, physical nature, and history of the Earth.
Geomorphologists study Earth's landforms and landscapes in relation to the geologic and climatic processes and human activities, which form them.
Geophysicists apply the principles of physics to studies of the Earth's interior and investigate Earth's magnetic, electric, and gravitational fields.
Glacial geologists study the physical properties and movement of glaciers and ice sheets.
Hydrogeologists study the occurrence, movement, abundance, distribution, and quality of subsurface waters and related geologic aspects of surface waters.
Hydrologists are concerned with water from the moment of precipitation until it evaporates into the atmosphere or is discharged into the ocean; for example, they study river systems to predict the impacts of flooding.
Marine geologists investigate the ocean-floor and ocean-continent boundaries; they study ocean basins, continental shelves, and the coastal environments on continental borders.
Meteorologists study the atmosphere and atmospheric phenomena, including the weather.
Mineralogists study mineral formation, composition, and properties.
Oceanographers investigate the physical, chemical, biological, and geologic dynamics of oceans.
Paleoecologists study the function and distribution of ancient organisms and their relationships to their environment.
Paleontologists study fossils to understand past life forms and their changes through time and to reconstruct past environments.
Petroleum geologists are involved in exploration for and production of oil and natural gas resources.
Petrologists determine the origin and natural history of rocks by analyzing mineral composition and grain relationships.
Planetary geologists study planets and their moons in order to understand the evolution of the solar system.
Sedimentologists study the nature, origin, distribution, and alteration of sediments, such as sand, silt, and mud. Oil, gas, coal and many mineral deposits occur in such sediments.
Seismologists study earthquakes and analyze the behavior of earthquake waves to interpret the structure of the Earth.
Soil scientists study soils and their properties to determine how to sustain agricultural productivity and to detect and remediate contaiminated soils.
Stratigraphers investigate the time and space relationships of rocks, on a local, regional, and global scale throughout geologic time -- especially the fossil and mineral content of layered rocks.
Structural geologists analyze Earth's forces by studying deformation, fracturing, and folding of the Earth's crust.
Volcanologists investigate volcanoes and volcanic phenomena to understand these natural hazards and predict eruptions.
Geoscientists may be found sampling the deep ocean floor or examining rock specimens from the Moon or Mars. But the work of most geoscientists is more "down to Earth." They work as explorers for new mineral and hydrocarbon resources, consultants on engineering and environmental problems, researchers, teachers, writers, editors, and museum curators as well as in many other challenging positions. They often divide their time among work in the field, the laboratory, and the office.
Field work usually consists of making observations, exploring the subsurface by drilling or using geophysical tools, collecting samples, and making measurements that will be analyzed in the laboratory. For example, rock samples may be X-rayed, studied under an electron microscope, and analyzed to determine physical and chemical properties. Geoscientists may also conduct experiments or design computer models to test theories about geologic phenomena and processes.
In the office, they integrate field and laboratory data and prepare reports and presentations that include maps and diagrams that illustrate the results of their studies. Such maps may pinpoint the possible occurrence of ores, coal, oil, natural gas, water resources, or indicate subsurface conditions or hazards that might affect construction sites or land use.
Job and Salary OUTLOOK
The employment outlook in the geosciences -- as in any profession -- varies with the economic climate of the country. The long-range outlook is good at this time. Dwindling energy, mineral, and water resources along with increasing concerns about the environment and natural hazards present new challenges to geoscientists.
According to the National Science Foundation, about 125,000 geoscientists work in the United States. Most geoscientists are employed by industries related to oil and gas, mining and minerals and water resources.
Many geoscientists are self-employed as geological consultants or work with consulting firms. Most consulting geologists have had extensive professional experience in industry, teaching, or research.
Also, many geoscientists work for the federal government or a state government agency. The U.S. Geological Survey (Department of the Interior), Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, state geological surveys, and state departments of environment and resources all employ geoscientists.
Salary scales vary from employer to employer depending on the career path, location, qualifications of the geoscientist, and, of course, the economy.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), jobs in the geosciences are expected to grow by 22 percent between 2006 and 2016. This is a much faster increase in employment tha the average for all occupations. Geoscientists with Master's degrees are expected to have the most employment opportunites of all degreed geoscientists.
Salary estimates released by BLS for 2008 indicated that the mean annual salary for geoscientists was $89,300. Geoscientists in the petroleum and mining industries earned the highest salaries ($95,200 - $130,620) and those in state government earned the least ($59,830). Geoscientist faculty earned a mean annual salary of $74,770 in 2008. Additionally, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, average starting salaries for college graduates with geoscience bachelor's degrees were $40,786 in 2007.
A strong interest in science and a good education are the most important elements in becoming a geoscientist. The geosciences draw on biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and engineering. High school courses related to these subjects plus a geology or earth-science course, or an integrated science curriculum, will help prepare you for college. Also, get a solid grounding in English, because geoscientists need to be able to write and speak clearly.
In choosing a college or university, look at the course listings for departments of geology, geoscience, earth-systems science, or environmental science to identify the geoscience programs that best match your interests. As in any profession, the applicants with the best qualifications get the best jobs. Most professional positions in the geosciences require a master's degree. A Ph.D. is needed for advancement in college teaching and in most high-level research positions.
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